ROGERS, Dudley - M.D. - Putnam

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ROGERS, Dudley - M.D.

Rogers, Dudley
Surgeon, 59th IN, 9.29.1829
Bloomington IN, Harriet Barwick
Indiana Univeristy / Rush Medical College, 1852
Drs.Maxwell and McPheeters of Bloomington
Putnam (Greencastle 1886) // Owen (Spencer) 1860
1860c $2300 / $4000 / P1886 / Ind. State Board of Health 1882, 1890
Methodist, x
Co A 3rd Ind Mexican War / Buena Vista. 33 r
12.31.1861 (2.11.1862), 9.27.1864 34
M&S H v.9 p168 'Penetrating wounds of the Abdomen' Case 526 Private J Rodgers, Co. G. 53d Ohio At Kenesaw Mountain 6.27.1864 was struck, by a musket ball two inches below the angle of th left scapula. The aball penetrated the pleural cavity, and emerged through the sixth left intercostal space. Admittd to the field hospital of the 15 Corps at Barton's Iron Works, on 6.30; he breathed with difficulty, and had severe pain; his countenance was pale and anxious; the pulse 85. Stimulants and an anodyne were administerd. Surgeon J. C. Hilburn 97th Ind reports that, 'On July 1st, the symptoms were aggravated by retention of urine. A catheter was introduced, and four pints of urine tinged with blood were drawn off. A lesion of the left kidney was now apparently demonstrated. On July 2d, the patient seemed much easier; urine passed naturally mixed however with much pus and blood.On July 3d, the patient complaining of extreme pain in the chest and abdomen, emollient cataplasms were appled to the bowels; urine unchanged. July 4th, the pain becoming very severe, with increased difficulty of breathing, all treatment was suspended, and the patient died July 5, 1864.'xH of Put Co P271, 396 7; P47M&S H v.9 p168
Co. H 14th Ind. and when the company was organized, he was chosen 1st Lt. and commissioned by Gov. Morton. The following Dec., he was commissioned Surgeon of the 54th with the rank of Major. He served as such until 1864, then resigned. The last 2 years of his army service, by virtue of his rank and acting commission, he served as Brigadier Division Surgeon.
2.13.185517c 7d 1b 59

Source:   Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam County, Indiana 1887. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company.  (hope this is correct)

Dudley Rogers, MD of Greencastle was born in the vicinity of Bloomington, this state Sept 29, 1825. He was educated at the Indiana State University at Bloomington but a full course was interrupted by his volunteering as a soldier during the Mexican war. He became a member of Co A, 3rd Indiana Infantry under Capt. John M. Sluss and served as Corporal. His regiment was commanded by General Taylor 13 months and participated in the battle of Buena Vista. After being discharged from the service at New Orleans he returned to Bloomington, where he was employed on the Louisville, New Albany  & Chicago RR as civil engineer. One year later he began the study of medicine under Drs. Maxwell and McPheeters at Bloomington remaining with them one year. He then went to Charleston, Indiana and studied under James Athon, graduating at Rush Medical College, Chicago in the spring of 1852, after taking the prescribed course of lectures. In May 1852, he located at Martinsville, this state where he practiced two years, then removed to Spencer, remaining until 1861. During that year he volunteered in Co H 14th Ind Inf and when the company was organized he was chosen 1st Lt and commissioned by Governor Morton. The following December he was commissioned Surgeon of the 59th Ind Inf with rank of Major. He served as such until 1864 then resigned. The last two years of his army service by virtue of his rank and acting commission, he served as Brigadier Division Surgeon.  In Dec 1864 he located at Greencastle but in Jan 1865 by the solicitation of Col. Thompson he was called to the provost office at Terre Haute, this state to examine drafted men and served until the war closed. In June 1865 he returned to Greencastle and engaged in the practice of his profession. From the fall of 1865 until summer of 168 he was deputy revenue collector for Putnam County.  In politics he is a Democrat. In 1866 he was one of the incorporators of the Greencastle Street Railway of which he became sole proprietor in 1872. In 1880 Mr. Rogers was elected coroner of Putnam County serving two years an din 1882 he secured the appointment of president of the examining board of pensions for Putnam County and still holds that position. Feb 13, 1855 he married near Connersville, Indiana Miss Harriet Barwick, daughter of Seth and Eliza J. (Darnall) Barwick. They have two living children – Ralph, a traveling salesman for the furniture house of Bubb & Ripp of Milwaukee, Wisconsin and Erastus Wilbur, a clerk in the Commercial Hotel at Greencastle. Horace A, died in 1863 aged six years and two children died in infancy. Mr. Rogers is a Master and Royal Arch Mason, and a member of the lodge and chapter at Greencastle. He is also a comrade of Greencastle Post No 11, GAR. Mrs. Rogers is a member of the Methodist Episcopal Church. – kbz

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