REAT, James Cephus - Putnam

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REAT, James Cephus

Source: Greencastle Banner & Times 27 April 1894 p 3

There was no name at the convention that brought forth more applause than did that of James Cephas Reat of Jefferson Township.  This candidate who hears all the advance ear marks of a certain winner was born in Pickaway County, Ohio near Tarleton Dec 2, 1834.  Mr. Reat’s father was a farmer and thus the son was in his early days taught the rudiments of that calling which he has followed so successfully ever since. When 14 years of age Mr. Reat’s father moved his family to Indiana settling in Putnam County and it was here that the subject of our sketch grew to manhood. In 1862 Mr. Reat went to Coles Co Ill to farm with his brother but as soon as their first crop was laid by the fires of patriotism carried him into the service and he joined the 123rd Illinois regiment which subsequently became a part of the celebrated and world famous Wilder’s Mounted Brigade. Mr. Reat saw particularly hard service in the field and was in many hard fought battles not laying down his gun until the final round up in 1865.  He had the pleasure of seeing that man Jeff Davis captured and brought to their division headquarters. After Mr. Reat’s discharge from service in 1865 he returned to Putnam County and has since been one of us.  His first vote was for Fremont & Dayton in 1856 and he is proud to say that he has never voted any other kind of ballot. Though not demonstrative, Mr. Reat has ever worked in his humble way for the success of the republican cause and thinks the democrats will see their mistake and will fall in with overtures for mercy before it is everlastingly too late. Mr. Reat has never sought office and his nomination for commissioner from the second district is a shining example of the office seeking the man. His acceptance of the nomination was solicited so strongly by republican (and many democratic friends) that a refusal was out of the question.  He is in the fight and when the Nov sun casts shadows on the wall and in the brush the official count will show that Ceph Reat will come up from his township with an enormous vote.

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