RANDEL, Harrison M. - Putnam

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RANDEL, Harrison M.


Source: Atlas of Putnam County, Indiana
Chicago: J. H. Beers, 1879.
"Greencastle Township. "

RANDEL, HARRISON M., the present efficient Auditor of Putnam County; was born in this county December 25, 1838; is the son of William RANDEL, born in South Carolina August 13, 1793, and Nancy (MCREYNOLDS) RANDEL, a native of Kentucky. His parents came from Kentucky in 1825 and settled in Section 14, Monroe Township, Putnam Co., Ind. His father is still living on the farm he entered; is eighty-five years old past, and still "hale and hearty;" he belongs to the Baptist Church; his wife died in November, 1850; she was a member of the Christian Church. The subject of this sketch is the youngest of a family of nine children, four now living; he received a good common-school education, and taught seven school terms, teaching in the fall and winter, and working on a farm in summer. In October, 1862, at the age of twenty-four, he was elected County Surveyor, and re-elected three times, holding office eight years in succession; in 1870, he was elected as County Treasurer and re-elected in 1872, holding the office four years; in 1874, he was elected County Auditor, which position he now occupies; his term of office expiring November 1, 1879; he has made one of the best officers the county has ever had; winning "golden opinions" by his kind and gentlemanly bearing toward all, and the honest and efficient manner in which he conducted the different offices he has held. Politically, he is a Democrat, and Chairman of the Democratic Central Committee. He owns in this county 509 acres of land, two city lots in Indianapolis and a nice home in Greencastle, all of which is due to his own energy and business qualifications. Was married in Monroe Township May, 1, 1857, to Nancy A., daughter of Thomas and Nancy STEVENS, natives of Kentucky, who was born in this county July 12, 1840; they have had six children. Francis M., William M., James L., Nancy C., Thomas F., and Daniel V. Mr. and Mrs. RANDEL are members of the Christian Church, he being a Deacon and a teacher in the Sunday school. His portrait is in the group of county officials.

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