RAINES, Cornelius G, - Putnam

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RAINES, Cornelius G,

Cornelius G. Raines

Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 336 & 337

CORNELIUS G. RAINES, of Greencastle Township, is one of the honored pioneers of Putnam County, and was born in Montogomery County, Kentucky, September 26, 1816, son of Walker and Tabitha Raines, who were natives of Virginia and removed to Kentucky in an early day. In the fall of 1829 the family removed to this county, locating in Monroe Township, where the father died soon after arrival. The mother remained in this county until her decease, which occurred in August, 1864. Of their seven children, four are living -- Cornelius G., James J., Matilda, wife of Hugh Siddens, and Armilda, now Mrs. Monet. The father was a shoemaker by trade, being one of the first mechanics to settle here. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and was reared to manhood in this county, and received a common-school education. In February, 1843, he was married to Miss Penelope Dale, and they were the parents of five children, three of whom are living -- Sarah, wife of Caleb Reeves, of Kansas; James W., and Robert W. R. The deceased are -- Selena and Elizabeth. . Mrs. Raines died, and Mr. Raines was a second time married in 1859, to Lutcecia Heath, widow of Christopher Heath, and daughter of Ennis and Polly Hardin, pioneers of Putnam County. To this union have been born nine children, six of whom are living -- Ella, wife of Frank Allee, George, Albert, Artemus, Minnie, and Emma J., wife of James Farmer. The deceased are -- John D., Cornelius and Mary. Mr. Raines settled upon his present farm on section 13, Greencastle Township, in 1855, where he owns 500 acres of valuable land. Although not a church member, Mr. Raines is a good man and contributed liberally to all worthy enterprises.

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