RAGAN, Reuben - Putnam

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RAGAN, Reuben

Reuben RAGAN

Source: Weik's history of Putnam County, Indiana
Indianapolis, Ind.: B. F. Bowen & Co., 1910, p 310.

The first settler in Marion Township was Reuben RAGAN, who first came to the county in 1818 and prospected the country comprising Putnam and surrounding counties during that and the following year. He then returned to the state of Kentucky whence he again came to Putnam in the spring of 1820, staying two years in Greencastle Township west of the city. He entered land in the extreme north of Marion Township in 1822 and became a permanent resident there in October of the same year, continuing to make that his home until the date of his death August 19, 1869. In October of the year 1824 Mr. Ragan built a hewed-log house, which, having been weather-boarded and plastered, now forms the front portion of the familyr esidence and is the oldest building in Putnam County, having been in use as a dwelling for more than 85 years. Like all of the builder's works, it was well done, and it still stands firm, with the probability of still withstanding the shocks of time for years to come. Mr. Ragan was a noted horticuturist and possessed a fine talent for his occupation. He sowed seeds for an orchard on the farm of Mr. Thomas, west of Greencastle in the spring of 1820, which were, doubtless, the first seeds of the kind to take root in the soil of Putnam County. A few years later he planted the first orchard in Marion Township. He is still remembered by his neighbors as a man of vigorous intellect, pure mind and unscrupulously honestand upright in all dealings. From the time of Mr. Ragan's settlement in the township to 1824 he was joined by Judge SMITH, Henry WOOD, Mr. DAVIS, John SMITH, Silas HOPKINS and Samuel HAZELETT. In the years 1825 and 26 came William BELL, John DENNY, William and James SMITH, Bryce MILLER, Isaac and George LEGG, Jeremiah NICHOLS, Charles and Carter HUNTER, Israel MOSS, John GREGORY, James and William DENNY, Mr. ACRES, Enoch STONE, William NICHOLSON, and Thomas JACKSON. Within te next two years the population was increased by the arrival of David WISE, Henry HUNTER, Bailey O'NEAL, Daniel CHADD, John BENEFIELD, John and James AGEE, Daniel BREWER, Charles KNETZER, Jacob SHOPTAUGH, Eli FRY, Henry KELLER, Peter LUNSFORD, Daniel Bridgewater. The newcomers for the years 1829 and 1830 were Alexander GORHAM, Ambrose DAY, Thomas JACKSON, Sr., William FRAZIER, John RUNYAN, Isaac HOPE, Joseph ELLIS, Anselm MASON, Henry SHIELDS, Samuel REEVES. There probably were others equally worthy of mention.

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