PURFEERST, F. - Putnam

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Source: FOUNTAIN COUNTY INDIANA HISTORY 1881 By H. W. Beckwith page 157

F. PURFEERST, merchant, Covington has been a resident of Covington since 1854. he was born in Saxony Germany, March 29 1828. He remained a resident of his native country until 1851 at which date he emigrated to the United States. He remained in New York city for about six months, then removed Columbia Ohio, and from there to Circleville of the same state. In each of these places he resided for about six months. In 1858 he came farther west and settled in Perrysville Vermilion county and the year following moved to Covington. He learned the trade of a shoemaker in the old country to do which he served an apprenticeship of three years and paid $25. When he first came to Covington he began work at his trade but did not follow It long before he engaged in the business for himself. He began poor, and bu economy and industry established a nice little trade. January 1 1855 he married Miss Catherine Aubard,who is a native of Prussia. They have reared a family of nine children, four boys and five girls, to all of whom he is endeavoring to give a good education, that they may fill honorable and useful places in society. Mr. Purfeerst has never been an office seeker though he has been twice elected a member of the city council on the democratic ticket. He is a member of the order of K. of P. and of the L. 0. 0. F, as also of the German Aid Society of Covington.

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