PLUMMER, James Isaac - Putnam

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PLUMMER, James Isaac

James Isaac Plummer

Source: Mooney
Vol. P. History of Butler County, Kansas.
Lawrence, Kan.: Standard Pub. Co., 1916, p864

James Isaac Plummer, a prominent farmer of Rock Creek Twp, is a Kansas pioneer. Mr. Plummer was born near Greencastle, Putnam County, Indiana Feb 12, 1848 and is a son of John Wilson and Nettie Stewart Plummer, the former a native of NC and latter of Putnam County, Indiana. In 1860 the plummer family left their Indiana home and started West, with Kansas as their destination, and finally located in Pottawatomie County where the father bought 120 acres of land. They drove the entire distance from Indiana to their new home in KS and brought with them about 30 head of cattle. At first they were much pleased with their new home in Kansas but later in the season of that year an unusal drought developed, no rain of any amount falling between april and the following winter. In 1870 the Plummer family came to Butler Co and settled in Rock Creek Twp, filing on the NE 1/4 of Sec 5 on what was known as the Indian trust lands. The father also filed on a claim 3 miles SW a few months later. Mr. Plummer's first home in Butler Co was a stone structure built without mortar, which was succeeded about 5years later by a more pretentious residence which is a very substantial stone building and which is still the family home. Mr. Plummer was united in marriage in 1869 with Miss Bertha A. Fuller, a native of Iowa and to this union was born one child, who died in infancy. Mrs. Plummer died in 1871 and 10 years later, Mr. Plummer ws married to Emma F. Dugan, a native of MO and one child was born to this union, Hugh L, who resides on the home place with his parents. Mr. Plummer is one of the substantial men of Butler Co and has been identified with the development of this county almost since its beginning. He is a member of the Knights and Ladies of Security, and for a bnumber of years was actively identified with the Grange Lodge. He and his wife are members of the Christian Church and Mrs. Plummer is a profound student of the Bible. Politically, Mr. Plummer is a Republican, although inclined to be independent and liberal in matters of politics.

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