PEARCY, Samuel O. - Putnam

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PEARCY, Samuel O.

Samuel O. Pearcy

Source: Atlas of Putnam County
Beers, 1879.
"Franklin Township. "

PEARCY, Samuel O. P. O. Carpentersville, Farmer, Section 26; was born in Monroe Township, May 9, 1835. he was married in Franklin Township Sept 29, 1859 to Martha C. McCorkle, daughter of William M. and Catherine McCorkle, who were natives of KY and settled in this county in 1828; her father was born in 1803 her mother in 1801; the former died Aug 27, 1856; the latter Oct 5, 1856. Mrs. Pearcy was born in Franklin Twp, Aug 3, 1839, and is the youngest in a family of 5 children, 4 of whom are living. By this marriage he had 10 children - Ann E.; Melissa J.; Mary C.; Otis M.; Frank A.; Toly E.; George W.; Letha L.; L. A.; and Blanche (deceased). He owns 247 1/2 acres of well-cultivated land. In politics is a Republican, casting his first vote for O. P. Morton, and is a member of the Presbyterian Church as is his wife. Belongs, also to the Masonic and Odd Fellow Fraternities. His father, George Pearcy born in East Tennessee Nov 22, 1779 and Sally Warford were married 20 Aug 1801; by her he had 12 children; she died Sept 18, 1825. He was again married July 14, 1829 to Elizabeth Osborn, daughter of John and Jane Osborn, by whom he had six children, Samuel O. being 3rd. George Pearcy after coming to this county entered land on Sec 1, Monroe Twp, on which he settled; taught one of the first schools in the county and being a man of education and ability, served two terms in the legislature, holding the position of Associate Judge at the time of his death May 19, 1848. he was an Elder in the Presbyterian Church for about 20 years.

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