OWEN, George - Putnam

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OWEN, George

George Owen

Source: Atlas of Putnam County, Indiana.
Chicago: Beers, 1879.
"Floyd Township. "

OWEN, George; PO Fillmore; Farmer and County Recorder; Sec 28; was born in Clarke County, Indiana; Nov 21, 1820 (son of Levi, born in PA Feb 7, 1795) and Sarah Shake Owen born in Clarke County Ind 1803. He is the oldest of a family of 10 children, six yet living; his parents came to this County in October 1836 and settled in Sec 32, Floyd Township; they died in Montgomery County, Ind about 18 years ago. Mr. Owen was in his 16th year when he came to this County and here grew to manhood receiving in the mean time a good common school education; in 1849, he crossed the plains to California remaining there 4 years; returned to Putnam County in 1853, where he has since resided. He was smarried May 24, 1854 in Floyd Township; to Margaret Stobaugh, a native of the place and daguther of Jacob and Ursula Stobaugh; natives of the 'old Dominion'" 4 children were born to them: Levi, April 21, 1855; Andrew J, April 16, 1856; Anna Eliza, who died in infancy and John F, Jan 4, 1862. Mrs. Owen died Aug 20, 1878 and is buried in Palestine graveyard; she was a good wife, a true help mate to her husband and loving mother. Mrs. Owen was Justice of Peace in this township 8 years and township trustee 5; in 1874, he was eleted on the Democratic ticket Record of Putnam Co which position of trust he now occupies. He owns 230 acres in this township, his home being on Sec 28, most of his property has been gained by his own industry; a man of affable, courteous manners, he wins the good will of all with whom he comes in contact. In religion he is a Liberal, inclined to Universalism. His portrait will be found in the group of County officials in this atlas.

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