OTTERMAN, Samuel Henry - Putnam

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OTTERMAN, Samuel Henry


Source: 1913 AW Bowen History of Montgomery County, Indiana p 1046, submitted by Karen Zach, Montgomery Co., IN Coordinator

Few men of a past generation in Montgomery Co. were held in higher esteem than the late Samuel Otterman, who, now that life's fitful fever is over, is sleeping serenely in the "windowless palaces of rest. " His memory will long be revered by the vast host of people who knew him and admired him, for he was a man in whom all took a delight owing to his sterling honesty, his charitable nature and his readiness to help in the furtherance of any movement looking to the general upbuilding of the community. He was one of our sterling native sons whom we owe so much, for he grew up here where the land was just being redeemed from its wilderness fastness, and working long and hard, redeemed, with others, the fertile fields and the fine farms which we of today enjoy and which are now so valuable. We can never say too much regarding these splendid, brave and courageous pioneers and pioneers' sons, many of whom literally took their lives in their hands and, not counting the cost, forged ahead to the goal of success. Our subject inherited the courage and persistent qualities of his forebears who cast their lots in the new country, away from the pleasant hearthstones of their childhood and the advantages of civilization. Mr. O. was born in Sec 22, Clark Twp, Montgomery Co on May 10, 1842. he was a s/o Lewis and Hettie Otterman, a sketch of whom appears elsewhere in this work. He was the 4th child in a family of 9, 7 of whom grew to maturity. Samuel H. Otterman grew to manhood on his father's farm where he assisted with the general work when a boy, and during the wintertime he attended the district schools and received the usual elementary education of the boys of his time. In July, 1870, he marr. Mary ROBERTS, a d/o Larkin and Hannah (BRYAM) Roberts. She lived near Greencastle, Putnam Co. until she was about 10. Her mother had d. there while she was an infant and little Mary grew up without her loving care. When Mrs. O. was 10 years old the home was broken up and she was brought to live with M/M Adam KEYS near Browns Valley, not far from Parkersburg, remaining there until she was 16 then came to the home of Lewis Otterman where she resided two years then marr. Samuel Otterman one of the sons of Lewis. Samuel being the eldest son continued to live with his father and mother until they died and afterwards remained on the home place, which he operated in a most satisfactory manner, keeping it well improved and reaping abundant crops as a result of his good management and energy. Five ch. were b. to M/M Samuel Otterman: Albert b. Jan 7, 1871 lived on the farm until the death of his father and now he lives with his mother in Ladoga; Hettie marr. Jeff WHELAN of Birmingham ALA and they have 3 children: Everett, Charles and Lucille; Dora marr. Leaton DOUGHERTY who is now attending vet. college in Chicago and they have one dau, Ruth; George, Jr. born Jan 8, 1884, marr. Feb 22, 1905 Edna ZIMMERMAN and they have 3 children Irene, Marie and Eugene and they live in Ladoga; Allie marr. Lee STARKS; they live on a part of the old Otterman homestead and have two sons, Walter and Herman. Samuel Otterman was a member of the Christian Church of which Mrs. Mary O. is also a worthy member. Early in life he joined the Fountain Christian Church of which he continued a faithful member until the end of his earthly existence. He willingly took up his father's mantle and so long as he was able he continued to discharge his duties to the church and every Sunday he could be seen, with his family on foot or in some conveyance making his solemn way to the Lord's house. His last illness was of long duration but he bore it with characteristic Christian fortitude, until he was called to his reward Oct 24, 1911 at the age of 69 years. Physically, he was a robust, rugged man, an indulgent father, kind husband and good neighbor. For more than 40 years he and his good wife trod peacefully and harmoniously life's rugged pathway together, helping and encouraging each other and now that he is gone to her has fallen a share of the responsibility that was his in rearing the family and upbuilding the home. She now lives in Ladoga with her two sons, Albert and George and there, as in her former communities, she has many friends.

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