OLIVER, Morris - Putnam

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OLIVER, Morris

Source: Greencastle Banner 17 July 1890 p 1

July 9, 1890, being John W. Dunlavy’s 59th birthday he was completely surprised by the following persons visiting him: his son, Rev. HH Dunlavy and family of five of Newton, Ind; son Dr. JE Dunlavy wife and child of Indianapolis son John E. Dunlavy of Greencastle with Mrs. TE Phillips and three children of the same place; Mrs. Mattie Grimes of Indianapolis, sister of Mr. Dunlavy; Mrs. Hodge and three children of Hendricks County; Miss Mary Cooper of Danville; the venerable Morris Oliver and sons, Will and Sim; Mr. JM Elliott, wife and four children; Mrs. Mollie Siddons and child; Miss Mattie Smith and Uncle Sanford Straughan, the promoter of the surprise. It was a success throughout!

Source: Greencastle Banner 12 Feb 1863 p 3

– The following persons have paid the sums opposite their names for the Banner since our last issue: Morris Oliver … 2.00.

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