NICHOLS, John H. - Putnam

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John H. Nichols

Source: Weik's History Of Putnam County, Indiana
Illustrated 1910: B. F. Bowen & Company, Publishers Indianapolis, Indiana Author: Jesse W. Weik

Reared to the sturdy discipline of the homestead farm, during all the succeeding years of his life John H. Nichols has not waivered in his allegiance to the great basic art of agriculture. To the public schools he is indebted for the early educational privileges which were his, and he duly availed himself of the same, while he has effectively broadened his knowledge through active association with men and affairs in practical business life which has placed him well in the front rank of citizens of Marion township.

John H. Nichols was born October 10, 1863. and is a son of Harvey and Jemima T (Clark) Nichols. His paternal grandparents were Adam and Anna Nichols, who came to Putnam County about 1830 and built a log cabin on an eighty-acre tract of land which he had entered. This land he cleared and eventually developed into a good farm, the tract lying about a half mile northwest of Mount Meridian, Marion township. Here they continue to make their home in the old log house, depriving themselves of the comfort of a more modern house that they might be better able to contribute to the building of churches and other religious and charitable objects. Adam Nichols died at the age of seventy-seven years and his wife at the age of fifty years, their remains being laid to rest in the family burying ground at Mount Carmel, this County. They were the parents of seven children, namely: Harvey, Margaret, Elizabeth, Henry, Anderson, Martin and Samuel.

John H. Nichols spent the years of his youth and young manhood on the parental farmstead, receiving his education in the common schools. On the death of his father the management of the farm devolved upon the subject and his mother. Subsequently he bought his mother's interest in the farm, on which he has continued to engage in farming and stock raising, in which he has uniformly met with the most gratifying success. He has acquired the ownership of adjoining land and now has one hundred and ninety acres of as good land as can be found in the township. The place contains improvements of a high order, comprising a modern and attractive residence, substantial barn and outbuildings and well-kept fences, the general appearance of the place indicating the owner to be a man of good judgment and taste.

On March 31, 1886, Mr. Nichols was united in marriage to Nancy Catherine Arnold, a daughter of James and Sally Ann Arnold, and they have become the parents of the following children: Ira U., who married Nellie Zeiner, and they have one child, Orla Glenn: Delia O. is the wife of Elisha Zeiner, a farmer in Flovd township; Ada E., Harvey C. and James Russell are at home. Religiously, John and Mrs. Nichols are members of the Christian church and he is a member of the official board of the same, being a deacon, and also secretary and treasurer. In every avenue of life's activities in which he has engaged Mr. Nichols has performed his full part and because of his splendid personal qualities he holds the confidence of all who know him.

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