NEW, Y. N. - M.D. - Putnam

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NEW, Y. N. - M.D.

Y. N. New, M.D.

New, Y. N. Kentucky School of Medicine, 1893
7.27.977 Putnam (Barnard)

Source: Weik, Jesse W. History of Putnam County, Indiana. Indianapolis, 1910 p 700

There is no class to whom greater gratitude is due from the world at large than to those self-sacrificing, sympathetic, noble-minded men whose life work has been the alleviation of suffering that exists among humanity, thus lengthening the span of human existence. There is no known standard by which their beneficent influence can be measured ; their helpfulness is as broad as the universe and their power goes hand in hand with the wonderful laws of nature that come from the very source of life itself. The skillful physician, then, by the exercise of his native talents and his acquired abilities, is not only performing a service for humanity, but is following in the footsteps of the divine teacher himself. One of the best known and most successful practitioners of medicine in the northern half of Putnam county is Dr. Y. N. New, a resident of Jackson township, who was born in Hancock county, Indiana, November 26, 1869, the son of John J. and Hannah (Newhouse) New, a well established family, who moved to Boone county, this state, in 187o. The Doctor while yet a mere lad began assisting with the work about the home place, attending the district schools during the winter months. He was an ambitious lad and studied hard, passing through the district schools. Later he entered the schools of Valparaiso, Indiana, then took a preparatory course in medicine in the Danville Normal School, having made a splendid record in all these institutions. For five years he followed teaching very successfully, but he did not take kindly to this line of work and he began the study of medicine in earnest, entering the School of Medicine at Louisville, Kentucky, from which he was graduated in the year 1893, and in 1894 he located at Barnard, Putnam county, Indiana, and he has since been engaged in the practice here, his success having been gratifying from the first, and he is now enjoying a very extensive and increasing patronage, He is deserving of a great deal of credit for the eminent success he has attained owing to the fact that he is purely a self-made man and was compelled to work his way through college. Besides an attractive home at Barnard, he is the owner of a valuable farm of one hundred and twenty-six acres in Jackson township, this county, his wife also owning a tract of twenty acres in Clinton township, this county. Doctor New was married in 1896 to Naomi Wilson, born February 8, 1873, daughter of B. F. and Mary A. (Carman) Wilson, a highly respected family of Barnard, this county, where Mrs. New was born and reared. She is a graduate of the common and high schools and is a woman of culture. This union has been blessed by the birth of one child, Cecil A., born March 1o, 1898. Doctor New is a member of the county and state medical societies, and politically he is a Democrat. His career has been fraught with much good to the people of Putnam county and he is held in high esteem by all classes

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