GRIMES, H. M. - Putnam

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Source: Bare, Ira L. An illustrated history of Lincoln County, Nebraska, and her people
Chicago: American Historical Society, 1920, p 163.

H. M. GRIMES. Among the able and influential members of the bar H. M. Grimes, of North Platte, has won unmistakable prestige in his professional career and as district judge has jurisdiction over seven countise of Nebraska. A son of the late Firman Grimes, he was born in Russellville, Indiana of good old KY stock, his paternal grandfather, Edward L. Grimes, having been born and reared in VA from whence he movd to Ky and from there to Indiana in 1831. Firman Grimes was born in KY where his parents resided for a short time before locating in Indiana. Learning the trade of a saddle and harness maker, he followed it in Russellville, Indiana until his death. He there married Nancy J. Evans, a daughter of James Evans, who migrated from VA, his native state to KY and from there moving to Indiana in 1829. Two children were born of their union, as follows: Henry m, who owns and managed the old homestead in Russellville, Indiana the father having been a farmer as well as saddler; and H. M. the special subject of this brief sketch. The father was a republican in politics, and both he and his wife were faithful members of the Methodist Episcopal Church during their lives. After his graduation from Asbury University in Greencastle, Indiana in 1875, H. M. Grimes entered the law department of the State University of Iowa, from which he was graduated in 1877. Immediately opening an office in Bedford, Iowa, he practiced law there two years and then came to NEB locating in Ord on April 1, 1880. In August 1884, Mr. Grimes wishing to secure a broader field of endeavor, settled in North Platte, where his professional skill and ability were soon recognized, attracting a large clientage, his practice becoming extensive and remunerative. In Nov 1895, he was honored with an election as judge of the 13th Judicial District which includes Dawson, Lincoln, McPherson, Keith, Deuel and Cheyenne Counties, and has since devoted his entire time and attention to the distinctive work of his professional position. FOr 14 months previous to the election of judge was Registrar for the US Land Office. Judge Grimes married Oct 5, 1880, Mary McCRACKEN, who was born in Iowa, daughte rof Thomas McCracken, a pioneer merchant of Bedford, Iowa. Their only child, Lee D. Grimes, a civil engineer builder and contractor of Chattanooga, Tenn and very prosperous in his work died Dec 1918 age 33 years, his death being not only a great sorrow to his parents but loss to the community in which he resided. Religiously Mrs. Grimes is a member of the Episcopal Church. Politicallyt he judge is a stanch republican and in 1883 represented Valley County in the State Legislature. Fraternally he joined theancient Free & Accepted Order of Masons Aug 12, 1884 and he also belongs to the Benevolent and Protective Order of Elks.

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