FARROW, David P. - Putnam

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FARROW, David P.

David P. Farrow

Source: Biographical and Historical Record of Putnam County, Indiana*.
Chicago, IL, USA: Lewis Publishing, 1887. p 470-471.

DAVID P. FARROW, an early settler of Putnam County, was born in Montgomery County, Kentucky, August 11, 1819, son of Alexander S. and Elizabeth (Nelson) Farrow, also natives of Kentucky, both being of Irish and English descent. His father and grandfather were soldiers in the war of 1812. When eleven years of age he came to this county with his parents, who settled ten miles north of Greencastle, where he purchased and entered land and remained until his decease. His parents had ten children, of whom seven survive--David P., Alexander C., Joseph H., Elizabeth, wife of A. M. Lockridge; Mary Q., wife of Joseph Crow; Elvira W., who married Alonzo Roberts; Jane, who became the wife of Alexander Bryant [sic]. The country was entirely new when Mr. Farrow settled here, and he necessarily endured many hardships and privations. In politics he was formerly a Whig, but in later life a Republican. While residing in Kentucky he represented his county in the Legislature. He was a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and respected by all who knew him. He was for many years a local preacher. Our subject was reared to manhood in this county and obtained a common-school education. He was married March 25, 1844, to Miss Elizabeth Lickridge, a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth Lickridge, and their children are--Elizabeth C., wife of Captain W. P. Wimmer; James A. and Bertha. The deceased are Angela, Mary F. and Martha. Mr. Farrow is the owner of 400 acres of good land, nearly all of which he has obtained by his own industry and good management. He is a member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and for several years has been a local minister. In politics he is a Republican Greenbacker. He is conceded to be one of the best business men of his township.

Submitted by: Megan

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