EVANS, Simpson Fletcher - Putnam

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EVANS, Simpson Fletcher

Simpson Fletcher EVANS

Source: Weik, Jesse William. Weik's history of Putnam County, Indiana.
Indianapolis, Ind.: B. F. Bowen & Co., 1910, p. 703.

By life a persistent and well applied industry, led along the most honorable lines, the gentleman whose name appears above has justly earned the right to be represented in a work of the character of the one at hand, along with the other men of Putnam County who have made their influence felt in their respective communities. Simpson Fletcher Evans was born Sept 24, 1866 in Montgomery County, Indiana and was reared to manhood on his parents' farm in this county receiving a good common school education. August 21, 1889, he married Ella May KENDALL, daughter of Philip and Nancy Jane Kendall, natives of this county, both now deceased, Ella May being the third in a family of 5 children: Horace R, Stella, Ella May, Rose and Nell. Three children have been born to Mr. and Mrs. Evans: Shirl born Dec 7, 1892; Hesekiah Earl born November 20, 1894; Olive born Oct 31, 1899. Mr. Evans owns and lives on the old home place, consisting of 153 acres near Russellville, which is valued at $125 per acre. It is one of the best farms in the community, having been carefully tilled and well managed so that the soil is just as producitve as formerly. He has a neat, comfortable home and is regarded as one of the township's best citizens. Considerable attention is paid to stock raising, he being an extensive breeder of shorthorn cattle, which are admired by all and with which he makes a very creditable showing at the county fairs, taken many premiums and no small part of his annual income is derived from the judicious handling of stock. Mr. and Mrs. Evans and two sons are members of the Methodist Church at Russellville. Politically Mr. Evans is a Republican.

Source: The People's guide: a business, political and religious directory of Boone Co., Ind. Indianapolis: Indianapolis Print. and Pub. House, 1874, 400 pgs.
p. 153

Simpson Evans Farmer 5 1/2 Miles NE Lebanon Born in Ind 1840 settled in BC 1862. Rep Methodist.

Source: Atlas of Putnam County, Indiana.
Chicago: Beers, 1879 "Floyd Township".

EVANS, Simpson, PO Coatsville, Farmer, Sec 26; son of Abasalom and Catherine Simpson; was born in this County November 23, 1840. Married November 10, 1864 to Barbara E, daughter of John and Sarah Millman. Childen: Omar B. and Harry E.

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