ELLIS, Joseph - Putnam

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ELLIS, Joseph

Source: Greencastle Banner 1 Jan 1880 – thanks to Susan Huber on the Indiana Genealogy FaceBook page
The Testimony of the Refugees.  As an answer to the falsehoods that are being so industriously circulated in Democratic newspapers regarding the condition of the colored immigrant who have recently arrived here from North Carolina, we have interviewed a number who have called at this office during the past week and give the results below.  It will be seen that they all speak in the very highest terms of praise of Indiana and their treatment since coming here.  

I am from Wilson, NC; I have been here three weeks.  I found employment readily and a good home.  I live and work with Mr. FB Gardner, a good farmer in Russell township, Putnam County.  He pays me $13 per month until spring and then he will give me more. I find him a very kind and good man to me in the way of accommodations.  Mr. Gardner could not get possession of his own house for me until the first of March but he procured from his brother-in-law, Mr. D. Evans, a good and comfortable house for us until he can get the use of his.  I am well pleased with my situation and like this country finely.  I would not go back to North Carolina for any consideration, and I would advise all my friends in that state to come to this county as they can better their condition. But they should not come unless they expect to do good work, as loafers are not wanted here.

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