ECTON, William - Putnam

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ECTON, William

Source: Greencastle Banner 1 Jan 1880 – thanks to Susan Huber on the Indiana Genealogy FaceBook page

The Testimony of the Refugees.  As an answer to the falsehoods that are being so industriously circulated in Democratic newspapers regarding the condition of the colored immigrant who have recently arrived here from North Carolina, we have interviewed a number who have called at this office during the past week and give the results below.  It will be seen that they all speak in the very highest terms of praise of Indiana and their treatment since coming here.  

I was born and raised in Kentucky.  I left there 13 years ago and when I got to Indiana I had 75 cents in money and a family of 11 persons to feed and clothe.  I now have a good house and 14 acres of excellent land and am treated well by all my neighbors and have exactly the same chance that white men have. No one ever disturbs me or my family.  My children go to the white school and receive the same treatment that white children do.  I can’t understand why my people stay in Kentucky when they can come here.  I wouldn’t live there again for the best farm in the state. Several NC colored men have found good homes in my neighborhood and are doing well.  The white people are pleased with them.

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