DYER, George - Putnam

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DYER, George

Source: Lima, Ohio Morning News Sun 5 Sept 1909 p 8

Mr. George Dyer, who is a candidate for the Republican nomination for mayor, is not a stranger in our city by any means. He has been a resident of Lima, Ohio for about 10 years, and is well and favorably known by many of our citizens. He is a man of unassuming manners, conservative and reserved, but of decided opinion. He is not one of that class that is harsh and coarse, and easy to approach by anybody but a man of genteel manners and demeanor. He is not the largest and most portly of men but what he lacks in avourdupoise he makes up in pleasant nature and kind words. Once you get acquainted with him, you learn to like him.  He is not a man that obtrudes himself upon the public but a personage that meets and greets you in a manner pleasing to everyone and a man of unlimited business ability. As announced, he is not a politician but a business man; he belongs to no machine; nobody has a collar around his neck; he belongs to nobody; is bossed by nobody; owns himself and is for the business interests of the whole city and for all the people all the time. He has settled in Lima for the purpose of making it his future home, being interested in a number of the city’s business enterprises. He is a man of 41 years of age, being born in Bainbridge, Indiana in the year of 1868 and has been since youth an active business man and hustler.  He is superintendent of the Lake Erie and Western railroads, VP of the Lima Manufacturing company; secretary and treasurer of the majestic Automobile company and stockholder in a number of other concerns in Allen County.  He owns his own home on west Wayne Street and is a fixed factor and booster for Greater Lima.  Mr. Dyers is a member of all the railroad organizations, besides a member in good standing of the Knights of Pythias, Red Men, Modern Woodmen of America, Knights Templar Masons, Scottish Rite, 32 degree Mason Mystic Shrine, Eastern Star and the Best People on Earth.  Mr. Dyer comes before the people of Lima not as a politician but as a business man, without any promises or pledges to any set of men or organized crowd and fully qualified to perform impartially the duties of office if nominated and elected. Those who know him, know full well that he cannot be served from his course of duty and from what is right.  George Dyer came to Lima to live and stay here and he purposes to treat his fellow men in such a manner that he will have no reason for regret or embarrassment. Being fully qualified in every respect no one need hesitate to support him.  If nominated and elected he will give the citizens of Lima  clean and clear administration.  

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