CULLY, John Francis - M. D. - Putnam

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CULLY, John Francis - M. D.

John Francis Cully. M. D.

Source: Weik's History Of Putnam County, Indiana
Illustrated 1910: B. F. Bowen & Company, Publishers Indianapolis, Indiana Author: Jesse W. Weik
Page: 450

The medical practitioner who would succceed at his profession must possess many qualities not to be gained from text and medical books. In analyzing the career of the successful physician it will invariably be found to be true that a broad-minded sympathy with the suffering and an honest, earnest desire to aid his afflicted fellow men have gone hand in hand with skill and able judgment. Dr. John Francis Cully, of Bainbridge, one of the best known physicians of Putnam County, fortunately embodies the necessary qualifications mentioned above, and these, too, in a marked degree, and by energy and application to his professional duties is building up an enviable reputation and drawing to himself a large and remunerative practice.

Doctor Cully was born in Newark. New Jersey, July 4, 1852, the son of Mathew and Mary A. Cully, the father a native of Ireland, who came to this country in an early day and became well established. He was loyal to his adopted country, joined the Union army and gallantly fought during the war between the states, meeting death on the field of battle. The Doctor's mother died when he was six years old. and when he was eight years of age he came to Putnam County, Indiana, from New York, and has since resided here, having found a home in the family of John and Eliza Allen, who treated him as if he had been their own child, and to whom, in a large measure, he attributes much of his success in life, since they gave him every opportunity looking to his education and success.

After completing the prescribed course of study in the common schools, he began the study of medicine under Dr. R. F. Stone, in 1876; in 1878 and 1879 he attended lectures at the Rush Medical College, Chicago, Illinois, from which institution he was graduated in 1880. Returning to Bainbridge, he immediately began practice and has since continued here, having been very successful both as a general practitioner and as a surgeon, enjoving a large and lucrative practice and keeping on hand a carefully selected stock of medicine.

He has kept abreast of the latest discoveries in the medical profession in every respect, and he has a large and valuable medical library, and his rank among the medical men of the County and state is high.

Doctor Cully was married in 1885 to Ella F. Darnall. who was born, reared and educated in Putnam County: she is the daughter of Samuel and Maria Darnall, a highly honored old pioneer family of this County, her father having long been deceased. To Doctor Cully and wife three children have been born: Lily, Don and Max.

The Doctor is a member of the Christian church, and in his fraternal relations he belongs to the Free and Accepted Masons, holding membership in Commandery No. 11, at Greencastle; also the Knights of Pythias, No. 323. He belongs to the Putnam County Medical Society and the Indiana Medical Society, taking much interest in both. He is a member of the board of pension examiners. At one time he served as President of the Putnam County Medical Society. He has also served on the school board and the town board of trustees. On January 8. 1910, Doctor Cully suffered the loss by fire of his fine library, instruments and drug stock, which, though a serious handicap, temporarily, has not deterred him from practicing his profession with his usual vigor and skill. The Doctor is a lover of fine horses, and is the owner of a trotter.

Cully, John F., IN, 1840
Rush Medical College, 1880
Indiana State Medical Society admitted 1880, 1882 83
Obit. J. Ind. State Med. Assn. v:9.4; 364 1921 12.24.977Hendricks (Lizton) // Putnam (Bainbridge)
HC 1876
Indiana State Board of Health 1882, 1890 // P1886
Republican, Methodist P.G. Hendricks County, 1874

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