CLODFELTER, John - Putnam

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John Clodfelter

Source: Found in a collection of old obituaries saved by Mary Jo Johnson, found in Crawfordsville District Public Library. We appreciate Mary Jo's willingness to share these. (Used with permission)

Memorial Marker Dedication Sun.

(Handwritten in is: June 13, 1958)
The following program will be given at the dedication of the Hebron memorial marker erected in memory of John Clodfelter and his wife, Catherine Clodfelter, on Sunday, June 15, at 2 o'clock.

(Handwritten in is: 1958-6-15)
Call to order, Vance Clodfelter.

Song, Faith of Our Fathers.

Devotions, Cyril Johnson.

Explanation of work done by committee, Vance Clodfelter.

Clodfelter Genealogy, Mrs. Floyd Yochum.

Indiana Pioneers, Dr. A. W. Crandall.

Talk by Hubert Hawkins, State Historical Bureau
Poem-Our Pioneer Mother, Vance Clodfelter.

Song, America The Beautiful
Benediction, Rev. Lester Niles

Source: Obituary Collection, (compiled by: Mary Jo Johnson) Crawfordsville District Public Library, Crawfordsville, Montgomery County, Indiana. (Used with permission)

Pay Homage To Pioneer Couple
Nearly one hundred members of the Clodfelter family met at thethe Hebron Cemetery Sunday, June 15, 1958 to pay homage to their pioneer ancestors, John and Catherine Clodfelter, by dedicating the native stone boulder mounted with a beautiful bronze plaque, which had been erected in their honor. Grateful, descendants, not only of Indiana, but from as far as Ohio, Kansas, Colorado and Alaska contributed toward the erection of this Memorial Marker. It is the desire of this family to recognize and pay tribute, not only to the courage and sacrifice of their own pioneer ancestors but to all pioneers, who were as typical as this couple in carving our nation out of the wilderness. The committee in charge of the Memorial project were Oscar Clodfelter, Wilbur Clodfelter, Vance Clodfelter, Willis Clodfelter, Mrs. Stanford Romine, and Mrs. Floyd Yochum.

Oscar Clodfelter, committee chairman, provided chairs and a platform with piano, for the park like grassy plot in the north end of the Cemetery. Vance Clodfelter served as master of ceremonies. Mrs. John Ratcliff was at the piano to accompany group singing of two suitable songs, "Faith of Our Fathers" and "America the Beautiful." Rev. Cyril Johnson gave appropriate devotions. Mrs. Floyd Yochum gave a brief summary of the Geneology of the Clodfelters from their original home in Switzerland in the 1700's to the present time. They now are not only well established in Indiana, but in most of the states of the nation. Dr. A. W. Crandall of DePauw University, gave a most informative talk on the background of the many immigrant groups who came to America during the years of development. Mr. Hubert Hawkins, Indiana Historical Society, followed with a. tribute to the pioneers of this particular area. Rev. Lister Niles gave the

An Interesting event was the introduction of two, four generation groups, who were present. One of them being Wilbur Clodfelter, his son Hubert Clodfelter, grandson James Clodfelter, and great-grandson, Jay Clodfelter. Wilbur's mother, Mrs. Carrie Clodfelter, aged 92 is still living at her home in Morton, but was not well enough to attend. Aunt Carrie, as she is familiarly known, is the daughter-in-law of Solomon Clodfelter, born 1807, who was the oldest son of the pioneer ancestors. The other four generation family present were Mrs. Edward Clodfelter, her son Alvan Clodfelter, granddaughter, Mrs. Lorene Townsend, and great grandson, John Townsend.

After the close of the program there was a period of visiting and renewing acquaintances. Many cameras were given a good work out. Several people also visited the site of the actual burial place of Ancestor, John Clodfelter, which is in a remote comer of a wooded pasture on the farm owned by Vance Clodfelter. They also visited the burial place of the grandmother, Catherine, which is located in the Sutherlin Cemetery. Both of these graves have been marked by the Memorial Committee.

The crowd dispersed in the late afternoon with a renewed feeling that all Americans, with such deep rooted ancestry, have every right to be proud of' their heritage.

File Created: 2007-Jul-10

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