CLINE, Lewis C. - M.D. - Putnam

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CLINE, Lewis C. - M.D.

Cline, Lewis C. - M. D.

Cline, Lewis C. Jefferson (Jefferson Medical College, Phila, Pa), 1879
Indiana State Medical Society admitted 1879, 1882 83
JISMA v.20;200 1927 7.15.977 Putnam (Bainbridge) / Marion (Indianapolis 1886)
p1886 / Physicians Directory of Kentucky and Indiana 1893 / Indiana State Board of Health 1890

DR. LEWIS C. CLINE, of Indianapolis, Ind., was born near Cloverdale, Putnam County, that State, October 16, 1851. He is the sixth son of Nicholas Cline and is of German and English descent. His early life was divided between labor on a farm during the '` crop '' seasons and the attendance of short terms of school in the winter. At the age of sixteen young Cline, by the consent of his mother and older brothers (his father having died three years previous), resolved to leave the farm and begin the battle of life by a reliance upon his own resources. He soon found employment, and by careful planning and economy accumulated means to continue his education and eventually to take a course of study in Asbury (now DePanw) University, after which he was engaged for two years in teaching public schools. In 1876 be began the study of medicine under the preceptorship of Dr. E. B. Evans, of Greencastle, Ind. On completing the required period of study he attended the Jefferson Medical College, Philadelphia, Penn., from whence he received his medical degree iii 1879. He then returned to his native county and began the practice of medicine at Putnamville, where he at once acquired the respect and patronage of the best people of that vicinity and in November of the same year was married to Joanna C. Stevenson, a daughter of the late Dr. A. C. Stevenson, of Greencastle, one of Indiana's greatest pioneer physicians and surgeons. In the spring of 1880 Dr. Cline entered into a partnership with Dr. R. F. Stone, at Bainbridge, a flourishing town in the northern part of his county. This pleasant association continued until the following autumn, when, after an extensive acquaintance and a thorough introduction into the practice of the community, assisted by the good will and courtesy of Dr. Stone. this partnership was by mutual consent dissolved and the latter physician removed to Indianapolis. After six years of active professional work at Bainbridge the subject of this sketch also removed to the city of his present residence, where he continued in general practice until he had by a course of study fitted himself for that line of work which he intended to adopt as his future specialty. During the winter and spring of 1887—88 he attended the post graduate school and hospitals of New York, where he took a course of study with special reference to diseases of the throat, nose and ear. He supplemented his studies during the following year by taking a course in the 'Mackenzie Throat Hospital, London, and also attended the cliniques in the hospitals of Vienna. Since his return from Europe to Indianapolis he has limited his practice to the medical and surgical treatment of diseases of the throat, nose and ear, in which branch of practice he is recognized as one of the most popular and successful practitioners of Indiana. In 1889 he was appointed to deliver a course of lectures on his specialty in the Medical College of Indiana, and in 1889 he was elected professor of laryngology and rhinology in the same institution, which chair he still holds, having filled the position with credit to himself and the school.
Dr. Cline is a member of the staff of the Indianapolis City Hospital and City Dispensary and has performed the work appertaining to rhinology and laryngology in the latter institution for the last three years. He is also a member of the Indianapolis Surgical Society, the Marion County Medical Society, the Indiana State Medical Society, the Mississippi Valley Medical Society, the American Rhiuological Association and the American Medical Association. He has contributed papers, on various occasions, to all these societies, and has read papers before many of the county societies throughout the State.
Pict. & Biog. Memoirs of Indy and Marion County p217

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