CHURCHWELL, Elias - Putnam

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Source: Greencastle Banner 1 Jan 1880 – thanks to Susan Huber on the Indiana Genealogy FaceBook page

The Testimony of the Refugees.  As an answer to the falsehoods that are being so industriously circulated in Democratic newspapers regarding the condition of the colored immigrant who have recently arrived here from North Carolina, we have interviewed a number who have called at this office during the past week and give the results below.  It will be seen that they all speak in the very highest terms of praise of Indiana and their treatment since coming here.  

I came from Greene County, NC on the 18th day of December.  I was on the train that was surrounded by a mob at Shelbyville, but they didn’t do us any harm.  All they did was to shoot off their mouths at us. They acted like drunken Democrats and I guess that is what they were. We were too smart to stop in any such a hole as that. There are too many good places in Indiana for us to have to stop and live among rowdies.  We came right on to Indianapolis and Greencastle. Those who came to Greencastle got good home just as soon as they reached here.  I live with Dr. A. Moudy east of town; wages good.  I board with the family.  They treat me as kind as can be and I think a heap of them.  I have just as good a home as I wish to have. So far it hasn’t been as cold here this winter as it has been in North Carolina.  Here the white folks want to see us get along and do well, instead of taking from us.  They pay us good wages in money instead of orders. They appear to have some feeling and tender hearts and have sympathy for us.

Source: Greencastle Banner 30 Dec 1880 – thanks to Jennifer Sparks, Indiana Genealogy FaceBook page

"Elias Churchwell, a colored man working for Doctor Moudy, went to Indianapolis to spend Christmas, but did not have such a good time. His pockets were picked of $12 money and his watch, and he had to pawn his overcoat to get home Monday. He wishes he had stayed at home."

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