CATHERWOOD, Samuel - esq - Putnam

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CATHERWOOD, Samuel - esq

Samuel Catherwood, esq

Source: Biographical and Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 345 & 346

Samuel Catherwood, esq., was born in Harrison County, Kentucky, October 6, 1817. His father died when he was very young and he was reared by a brother in Lexington. He was educated at Georgetown College and at Transylvania University at Lexington. Upon reaching manhood he engaged in civil engineering. In 1839 he came to Putnam County, locating in Franklin Township, where he taught school nearly two years. He was then appointed county surveyor and located in Greencastle, serving in that capacity seven years. In 1846 he embarked in the mercantile trade in connection with surveying, which he continued until 1848, and was then variously engaged until 1852, when he accepted the position of station agent for the Terre Haute and Indianapolis Railway, at Greencastle. After serving thirty-one years he retired from the office on account of failing health. In 1884 he was appointed justice of the peace of Greencastle Township. He also served three years as school trustee of that township. January 3, 1848, Mr. Catherwood was married to Miss Elizabeth Strong, at Bowling Green, Indiana, daughter of Mrs. Robert Hanna, of Indianapolis. Her father, John W. Strong, died when she was very young. To this union were born four children--Ellen, wife of William II. Peck, a farmer of Warren Township; John S., who died in infancy; Albert S., a conductor on the Monon Railroad, and Fred B., a telegraph operator and clerk in the office of general Southern agent of the Bee Line at Cincinnati. Mr. Catherwood is a thirty-second-degree Mason, and has served his lodge as worshipful master two years, and served several terms as secretary and treasurer in his lodge, chapter and commandery.

File Created: Jan 12, 2008

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