CAMPBELL, Lewis Cass - Putnam

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CAMPBELL, Lewis Cass


Source: Biographical Review of Cass, Schuyler and Brown Counties, Illinois.
Chicago: Biographical Review Pub. Co., 1892, p 313.

Lewis Cass CAMPBELL, a prominent and esteemed resident of Camden Village, Illinois was born on a farm in Camden Twp Feb 23, 1851. His father, John Milton Campbell was born in Harrison Co KY March 30, 1807 and was a son of James and Jane (Campell) Campbell natives of Scott Co KY. Both of the grandfathers of John Milton Campbell bore the name of Campbell and were born in Scotland but emigrated to America and died in the Colonies in the decade of 1700. John Milton's maternal grandmother was a Cellers. His maternal uncle, Lindsey Campbel, married a widow by the name of Graham. Her son Furgeson Graham died in Schuyler Co Il at the residence of his son-in-law, Singleton Wright, deeply lamented for his many sterling qualities of character. William Campbell, an own cousin of John Milton Campbell on his father's side married a sister of Furgerson Graham. John Milton's father, James Campbell was a skilled mechanic, whop assed nearly all of his life in Ky and died in Pendleton Co that stte aged 86. He was twice married, having by the first marriage 5 children and one child by his 2nd. John Milton was the oldest of the family and his early life was spent on his father's farm. He received a fair education and under the instruction of his father, became a good mechanic. He afterward taught school and worked at his trade. He was married in Ky to Ann Lake and in 1832 came to Ill to look over the country. Being favorably impressed, he removed to the latter state in November 1835. He entered and settled on land located on the SW quarter of Sec 8 in Camden Twp, Schuyler Co where he improved a farm. His health failing in 1845 he passed a few years in the south afterward returning to his farm. His first wife died in Ky, leaving one child, Thomas J. In 1850, Mr. Campbell was again married, his 2nd wife Miss Mary A.E. Aldrich, of Putnam County, Indiana born June 8, 1826. She was a daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Strupp Aldrich, natives of NC of English and German ancestry, respectively. She accompanied her sister to Illinois in 1847 and lived in Scuyler County. John Campbell died Dec 20, 1880, sincerely mourned by all who knew him . A Democrat in politics, he took an active part in all local affairs of importance. He frequently held office, being elected at various times to all positions in the gift of the county; he served one term as Co. Surveyor and for many years Deputy Surveyor. He was the clerk of his party and being a fine penman, the records of the county are remarkable for their neatness and legibility. He was a devout member of the Christian Adventist Church. His worthy wife survives him and resides in Camden. She also is an earnest and useful member of the church to which her husband belonged. This estimable couple were the parents of 4 children: Lewis, Stephen, James I and Emma J. Lewis was reared a farmer and educated in Camden Twp. After his marriage he resided on the farm of his father-in-law, but upon the death of his wife he returned to his mother's farm and managed it for some years, until 188t when he married again and settled in Camden village and opened a hotel. He also engaged in farming and the carpenter trade, putting up some of the best buildings in thecounty outside of Rushville. He afterward sold the hotel and devoted his attention to his trade. He has 240 acres of land and some valuable property in Camden Village. Hard as Mr. Campbell has worked, it is nothing to the privations that his father had to endure. He was the pioneer school teacher of the county and besides pursuing that occupation he made maple sugar and split rails to get the money with which to enter his land and purchase saddle bags to carry his surveying tools. What farmer of today has to endure such hardships? He was married to Alice Callison in 1875, the daughter of John L. and Eliza Smith Callison. She was born in 1857 and died April 1879. Mr. Campbell was again married in 1885, his second wife being Alice L. Irvin, a native of Littleton Twp and daughter of Osburn and Martha Irvin. They have one child, Paul Irvin born July 26, 1891. Mr. Campbell is independent in politics, being a supporter of the Famrer's Alliance, and has filled the office of Town Clerk. He is a member of Camden Lodge No 648. A. F& AM of which he is Sr. Warden. He is also correspondent for the Rushville Times, editing the Camdem department. He was for many years an active member of the patrons of Husbandry.

File Created: 2007-Mar-17

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