BROWNING, Isaac - Putnam

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Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 334

ISAAC BROWNING, an early settler of Putnam County, was born in Mason County, Kentucky, December 11, 2823, son of Edmund and Hannah Browning, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of New Jersey. His father's ancestors were English and his mother's German. The father was a soldier in the war of 1812. His parents had nine children, of whom three survive -- Thompson, George and Isaac. The father died in Kentucky, and in 1836 he and his mother came to this county, settling in Greencastle Township, where the mother died in 1852. Since 1836 our subject has been a resident of this county. He was married August 31, 1848, to Miss Amanda Steers, daughter of Joseph and Sarah Steers, of this county, and they had seven children, four of whom are living -- William, a resident of Kansas, John G., George and Scott. Mrs. Browning died November 29, 1878. She was a kind and loving wife and mother, and was greatly missed in the family circle. She was a worthy member of the Methodist Episcopal church, and esteemed by all who knew her. Mr. Browning owns 255 acres of good land, and is a successful farmer. He is a Republican in politics, and has served creditably as school director.

File Created: Dec 04, 2007

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