BROADSTREET, Quinton - Putnam

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Quinton Broadstreet

Source: 977.249D3b at FHL Salt Lake City
Biographical and Historical Record of Putnam County, Indiana. Chicago: Lewis Publishing Company, 1887, p. 462 and 463

Quinton Broadstreet, farmer, Mill Creek Township, was born August 14, 1837, son of James and Melvina A Broadstreet, the former a native of Washington County, Indiana, and the latter of Bullitt County, Kentucky. His paternal ancestors were Irish, and came to America prior to the Revolutionary war. His paternal grandfather, Thomas Broadstreet, was a pioneer of Washington Township, having settled there soon after the beginning of the present century. He removed to Putnam County about 1825, settling in Marion Township, upon the farm now owned by H. H. Dobbs. The grandfather entered eighty acres of land and located in the wild woods. He first erected his little log cabin, then began the work of clearing his land. He was a minister of the Missionary Baptist church, always taking an active part in matters pertaining to the church James Broadstreet was reared to manhood in this county, amid all the scenes of pioneer life, and being poor, endured many hardships. He married Melvina Gentry, and they had twelve children, of whom seven are living - Quinton, Rachel, wife of David Haines; Sarah, wife of Henderson Lane; Nancy, wife of John W Stringer; Mary E., Thomas H., John C. The deceased are - Elijah J., Isaac B., Jerusha, Francis M. and one that died in infancy. The father resided in this county until his decease, October 24, 1882. He was a member of the Missionary Baptist church, as was also his wife. In politics he was a Democrat. He always followed farming, but the last twenty years of his life he was affilicted with a combination of diseases. He was a man of much public spirit and enterprise, always lending a helping hand to anything that would benefit the community. Quinton Broadstreet has been reared to manhood and educated in this county. He taught school four winters here, with good success. He was married March 22, 1864, to Sarah E Buis, daughter of Riley and Elizabeth Buis, pioneers of Putnam County, and their children are - Melvina A., wife of Clarence E Wallace; Ida E., deceased; Francis M., Leander C., Charles P., James V., Della M. and Ernest. Mr Broadstreet owns 450 acres of good land, and has been a successful farmer. In politics he is a Democrat, and has served as assessor of the township Thomas H Broadstreet, a brother of the preceding, was born in this county, February 7, 1852. He was married March 25, 1884, to Linnie E. Bowman, daughter of John M. Bowman, of this county. They have had two children-Laura, deceased, and Walter M. He owns 200 acres of excellent land, and has always followed farming for an occupation. In politics he is a Democrat. He has seen something of pioneer life; has many times threshed wheat with a flail.

Source: Atlas of Putnam County, Indiana.  
Chicago: J.H. Beers, 1879.
"Mill Creek Township."  

BROADSTREET, Quinton, P.O. Stilesville, Farmer, Sec 31; son of James and Melvina America Broadstreet; was born in Franklin Township, Hendricks County aug 14, 1837; settled in this county 1846, Mill Creek Township, Sec 5.  Married March 22, 1864 in this county to Sarah E. Buis; children - Melvira A.; Ida E.; Francis M.; Leander C.; Charley and James B.

File Created: 2007-Jul-10

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