BOWERS, George W. - Putnam

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BOWERS, George W.

George W. Bowers

Source: History of Montgomery County, Indiana
HW Beckwith Reproduction by Unigraphic, Evansville, Ind p. 589

BOWERS, George W., farmer, Alamo, at present the trustee of this township, s/o David and Catherine (Grimes) Bowers, was born in Putnam Co, Nov. 3, 1840, where, Dec. 6, 1866, he was married to Miss Sarah J. DENMAN, of this township, born Sept 25, 1849. IN 1867 he settled in Ripley Twp, and now owns and tills 88 acres of its land. Though comparatively young, Mr. B. takes a lively interest in political issues, which fact was, at the last township election, recognized by his friends, and he was given the place of honor which he now fills with general satisfaction. He is an active member of the Ripley Grange, with which movement he has been connected since its birth and in which he has held the position of master 4 terms. In religion Mr. B. follows the teachings of Martin Luther. There are 3 bright boys in this family: Charles A, born Sept 8, 1867; Homer D, Feb 23, 1870 and Pearl O, April 24, 1877. Mr. B. is a man well spoken of by his acquaintances, and is now president of the Detective Assoc, which was organized at Alamo last spring.

File Created: Apr 03, 2008

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