BOWEN, Joseph B. - Putnam

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BOWEN, Joseph B.

Joseph B. Bowen

Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 344 & 345

JOSEPH B. BOWEN, farmer and stock-raiser, resides on section 34, Jackson Township, where he owns 154 acres of land. He also owns 340 acres in other parts of the township. He was born in this county, July 15, 1832, son of Anthony and Amanda (Vansant) Bowen, natives of Kentucky and of Scotch-Irish descent. They came to this county in 1831, settling near Russellville, where they remained until the year 1833, removing thence to Jackson Township and residing there until the death of the father, which occurred in 1883, at the age of seventy-three years. The Mother is still living and resides in New Maysville.

She is seventy-four years of age. The parents reared three sons, two of whom are living -- A. J., who resides in Danville, Hendricks County, and our subject. The latter was reared a farmer and has followed that occupation thus far through like. His father taught school several years, in an early day.

Joseph was married in this county, in 1855, to Nancy A. Vansanct, a daughter of Jon Vansanct, born in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 1837, and their children are

Clara A., wife of John T. Jones, of Bath County, Kentucky, has one child--Stanley;
Millard A. married Catherine Miller, and has one child--Pearle;
William H. married Antha Cassity, and has one child--Raymond A.;
Oscar H.;
Frank II.;
Eva J.;
Joseph B., Jr.;
Minne E. and

Mr. Bowen has served as trustee of New Maysville for several years, and in politics is a Republican. Himself and wife are members of the Christian church. He has about $500 to start with, and the rest of his property he has made himself.

File Created: Jan 12, 2008

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