BOSWELL, John - Putnam

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John Boswell

Source: Weik's History Of Putnam County, Indiana
Illustrated 1910: B. F. Bowen & Company, Publishers Indianapolis, Indiana
Author: Jesse W. Weik p 406

Holding worthy prestige as a citizen and standing in the front rank of Putnam County's successful agriculturists, the subject of this review is deserving of mention among the representative men of his township and it is with much satisfaction that the following brief outline of his career is herewith presented. The Boswell family in this country were among the early colonists of Virginia and in various parts of the Old Dominion state the name is still a familiar one. John Boswell, the subject's grandfather, a Virginian by birth, was reared in the county of Botetourt and there married Catherine Peffley, whose antecedents were also old residents and well-to-do-planters. Some time in the early forties this couple moved to Clark County, Ohio and later came to Putnam County, settling on the west fork of Walnut Creek in Madison Township where Mr. Boswell built a saw-mill which received its motive power from the creek. His sons, Jacob, Daniel, John and Samuel came about the same time and settled nearby, also a daughter, Mrs. William Richardson, all of whom became well known residents and were greatly esteemed by their neighbors and friends. John Boswell, Senior developed a good farm and spent the remainder of his life in Putnam County, losing his sight and living with his son John for some years previous to his death,which occurred in his 81st year, his wife preceding him to the grave. Jacob Boswell was born in Clark County, Ohio January 27, 1818 and was a young man when his parents moved to Indiana. He early turned his attention to agricultural pursuits and in due tim elocated on a farm in Washington Township where he remained a few years, removing thence to Clinton Township where he lived until some time in the 50s when he purchased the farm in Madison Township, on which the remainder of his days were spent dying there on 12 August 1886, age 68. In connection with tilling the soil he did considerable carpentry work in his neighborhood and was esteemed a very proficient mechanic. He was an enterprising, industrious man and an excellent citizen, devout christian, having long been a member of Brethren near his place of residence. Sarah Darting, whom Jacob Boswell married in Clay County Indiana departed this life at th ehome farm in Madison Township on 5 May 1895. She bore her husband 10 children, namely: George W, a carpenter, who was murdered some years ago in Madison Township; Catherine married William Moss and moved to Illinois, her husband dying later in the state of Arkansas. She subsequently returned to Indiana where her death afterewards occurred. John Henry, the third of the family moved to Illinois in 1869, thence to Missouri and Arkansas and is now living in Texas. David, the 4th of the family is a prosperous farmer of Madison Township. William, the subject of this sketch is the next younger. Zimiri lives in Madison Township, also Mary, now Mrs. Samuel Wells. Elizabeth married Robert Gardner, a Madison Township farmer. Susannah is the wife of Newton harland, who died in young womanhood, sometime after becoming the wife of Robert Gardner, who after her death married her older sister, Elizabeth as stated above. William Boswell, of this review, was born June 4, 1853, on the family homestead in Madison Township and remained under the parental roof until about 23 years of age, receiving in the meantime a fair education in the public schools. On August 23, 1876, he entered the marriage relation with Miss Jane Wells, daughter of Peter Wells of Putnam County and immediately therafter began farming for himself on the old Boswell homestead, where he lived until the death of his wife, four years later. Mrs. Boswell was only 21 when summoned to the Great Beyond, and her loss was greatly deplored by all who knew her. She left beside her husband one son, Ora A, a railway employee at Greencastle, a daughter, Minnie May, dying in infancy. Mr. Boswell's second marriage was solemnized on September 23, 1881, with Lucy Wells, daughter of Joseph and Delilah Love Wells and a half sister of Peter Wells, father of his first wife. Joseph Wells was a native of North Carolina, where he married in young manhood a Miss Stoner, whose death occurred some years later at Crab Orchard, Kentucky. Subsequently Mr. Wells moved to Putnam County Indiana and purchased a tract of land which in due time he cleared and converted into a fine farm. He was quite a successful man, owning at one time 360 acres of valuable land, 240 in his home farm and 120 in the same locality, which he subsequently sold. He died in March 1884 at the advanced age of 91, being the oldest member of the Christian Chapel Church when called to his reward. Mr. Wells was one of the influential men of the community and stood high in the confidence of his fellow citizens, both locally and throughout the county. He gave unyielding support to the Democratic party and was tenacious in the support of his opinions. A sincere christian, he exemplified his faith in his every day life and as a profound student of the Bible was long an authority on scriptural subjects, also on church history and general religious matters, concerning which he was frequently consulted. Mr. Boswell's 3rd wife was Delilah Wells, to which union were born two children, the first being Mary, who married David Bennett and spent her entire life on her father's farm, dying there September 29, 1900 leaving two sons and one daughter, Joseph, Gerald and Alta, now Mrs. Charles W. Keyt, of Clinton Township. The second child being Lucy, wife of William Boswell, subject of this sketch. Mr. Boswell now resides in Madison Township and has given his entire attention to agriculture and stock raising, in both of which his success has been very gratifying. His home farm of 120 acres is under a high state of cultivation and otherwise well improved in addition to which he owns another farm of 160 acres, a half mile distant, the latter also being successfully tilled and containing good buildings and other improvements. Mr. Boswell operates both farms and tills the soil on quite an extensive scale. He also breeds and raises high-grade stock, his cattle, horses and hogs being among the best in his section of the country. In poltics he is a Democrat; he keeps in touch with the times on all matters of public interset, lends his influence to all laudable enterprises and stands high in the community. Although connected with no religious organization, he is strictly moral and upright in his dealings and a regular attendant of and liberal contributor to the Brethren Church, with which his wife holds membership. Mr. and Mrs. Boswell have six children: Alva T, who lives with his parents; Anna M, wife of FH Alspaugh of Oklahoma; Mary D, who married Wallace Morris of Greencastle; Herbert D; Homer Vilas and J. Lee, the last three still at home.

I have a copy of a list of names of the Boswell family that used to hang on the wall of Joe and Bessie Boswells home. It was probably from an old family Bible.

The names are:

Jacob Boswell was borned February the 27th 1818;
Sarah Boswell was borned January the 5th 1821;
Barbery E. Boswell borned December the 11, 1843;
George W. Boswell borned March the 2nd, 1845;
Catherine Boswell borned May the 24th, 1847;
John W. Boswell borned November the 1st, 1848;
David Boswell borned June the 14th,1851;
William Boswell borned June the 11th,1853;
Zimry Boswell borned August the 8th, 1855;
Mary A. Boswell borned Febuary the 7th, 1857;
Elisabeth P Boswell borned Febuary 17th, 1858;
Susana Boswell borned July the 30th, 1861;
Rachel S Boswell borned June the 11th, 1865.

Joseph D. Boswell was born on July 19, 1877 in Madison Township the son of David and Mary Wells Boswell. He married Bessie Smithson (my aunt) . Joe died on April 4, 1958. Joe and Bessie were second cousins, Bessie being the daughter of Zachary Taylor Smithson and Abbie Ellen Richards Smithson. Abbies' mother was Susana Boswell. There are many decendents of this family. My father was Ross Earl Smithson, son of Zach and Abbie. He was born on January 24th, 1891. I have done extensive research on this line. Have met a number of cousins in the process.

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