BOND, Austin - Putnam

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BOND, Austin

Austin Bond

Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 363 & 364

AUSTIN BOND, an early settler of Putnam county, and now a resident of Washington township, was born in Franklin County, Virginia, July 24, 1813, son of Robert and Ann [Starkey] Bond, the former of Irish descent and the latter of Scotch. Both were born in Virginia. his father moved to Kentucky in 1816, and died in that State in 1828, and our subject, with his widowed mother and eight children, removed to Lawrence County, this State, in 1829, where the mother died in 1832. The parents had twelve children, of whom three are living--Robert, Jane and Austin. The latter was the chief dependence of the family until the younger children were reared. He has always ben engaged in farming. He was married February 3, 1851, to Sarah Girton, born August 19, 1832, in Brown County Ohio, and a daughter of Stephen and Margaret [VanZandt] Girton, the former a native of Pennsylvania, and now deceased, the latter a native of Ohio. Her parents came to Clay county, Indiana, in 1836, where the father died in February, 1864. To this union have been born eleven children, eight of whom are living--Austin P., of Kansas, Stephen G., George W., William A., Fletcher, Warren E., Timothy C. and Alma. The deceased are--Louisa, Martha and one that died in infancy. Mr. Bond was first married in 1835, to Miss Ann Wilson, and two of their eight children are living--John and David. His wife died in March, 1851. In the fall of 1837 he removed to Putnam County, Locating in Washington Township where he has since resided. Both are members of the Christian church. Mr. Bond owns 280 acres of land, in a good state of cultivation. He is a liberal contributor to both church and State, and in favor of everything that will benefit the community. Both are industrious and intelligent and are enjoying the fruits of a well spent life. Mr. Bond has served as deacon of the church for nearly half a century. He is a man of sterling integrity and is conceded to be one of the most successful business man in the township.

File Created: Jan 31, 2008

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