BITTLES, Racer - Putnam

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Source: Bedford Indiana Daily Mail Thu 12 Jan 1911 p 1
One of the largest timber deals which has been in the country for many years was closed Tuesday by Theo Boes, who is buyer for Racer Bittles. Mr. Boes closed a deal with Mrs. Alice Ader Davis for 456 ash trees. The lot of ash bought by Mr. Boes is one of the nicest lots of ash trees in this section of the country. The consideration in the transaction is way up in the four figure column. – Greencastle Herald

Source: Muncie Star Press Fri 25 Jan 1918 p 7
Mr. and Mrs. BF Seamans attended the funeral of Racer Bittles held at Greencastle Wednesday.
Source: Muncie Star Press Tues 29 Jan 1918 p 9
Dunkirk Jan 28 – Mrs. BF Seamans is seriously ill at Greencastle. Mrs. Seamans, accompanied by Mr. Seamans, went to Greencastle last Tuesday to attend the funeral of her son-in-law, Racer Bittles

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