BICKNELL, Jacob Wesley - Putnam

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BICKNELL, Jacob Wesley


Source: Biographical & Historical Record of Putnam Co IN History.
Chicago: Lewis Publishing, 1887, p. 371

JACOB WESLEY BICKNELL, manufacturer of wagons and carriages, and general blacksmith, at Greencastle, was born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, June 25, 1833. In 1843 he was brought by his parents, George and Susannah [Moore] Bicknell, to Putnam County, the family locating in Madison Township, where Jacob learned the trade of blacksmith of his father. Upon becoming of age he opened a blacksmith's shop in Brunerstown, in the vicinity of his father's farm,where he carried on blacksmithing one year. In 1853 he removed to Greencastle and worked at journey work until 1855, when he went to Walnut Mills, this county, and conducted a shop three years, then went to Stark county, Illinois, and purchased a farm. One year later he sold our and returned to Greencastle, where he was associated with Henry Renick in the blacksmithing business, as Bicknell & Renick. This partnership continued until May, 1861, when Mr. Bicknell enlisted in the Union service as a private in Company A, Seventy-eighth Indiana Infantry, to serve three months. At the battle of Uniontown, Kentucky he was captured by the Confederate forces, under General Johnson, and in the same engagement he received two gunshot wounds--one in the breast and the other in the groin. Being paroled, they were sent to Indianapolis to await their exchange, and while there the were discharged. Mr. Bicknell returned to Greencastle and established his present business. In September, 1876, his shop was destroyed by fire, and one year later he erected his present building on Jackson street. It is constructed of brick, 25x80 feet, and two stories in height. September 8, 1853, he was married in Madison Township, to Miss Sarah Jane Brunner, daughter of Henry and Elizabeth [Philips] Bruner, who was born in Monroe County, Indiana, and reared in Putnam County. They have no children. Mrs. Bicknell is a member of the College Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church, of Greencastle. Politically Mr. Bicknell affiliates with the Democratic Party. He is a member of Greencastle Post, No. 11, G.A.R.

File Created: Feb 01, 2008

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