BATEMAN, W. - Putnam

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W. Bateman

Source: HW Beckwith History of Montgomery County, Indiana (Chicago: HH Hil, 1881) p 474

W. BATEMAN, proprietor of Ladoga watermills Ladoga. These mills were the first built in Ladoga about 1830, by a man by the name of MYERS . The building has been remodeled from time to time by different owners, its present owner, W. Bateman purchased it about 1865. Mr. B. is a native of Hendricks Co IN. born in 1832. He was raised in that County on a farm until 21, after which he learned the milling business which has been his occupation ever since. By making the mill- business a constant study, and close attention and industry, he has been quite successful, having started in life with but little or nothing. At the present time he is not only the owner of the mill property but that of a fine home. He is an active business man and is appreciated by the public. In 1867 he marr. Miss Rebecca SMITH, a native of Putnam Co In and dau. of Robert Smith who was one of the early settlers of that County.

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