BAKER, John S. - Putnam

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BAKER, John S.

John S. Baker

AW Bowen History of Montgomery Co IN (1913)p. 1100

It is a pleasure to place on the pages of history the life record, however brief and unsatisfactory, of such a man as the late John S> Baker, who was one of the courageous pioneers of this locality and who labored here through a long life of successful endeavor, during which he not only advanced his own interests but also those of the community in general, for he was one of those neighborly, unselfish and hospitable gentlemen who delighted in seeing others progress, and he was so honest that those coming in contact with him need not be told of the facdt, it was apparent in all his dealings and relations with his fellow men.

Mr. Baker was born in Ky, which state furnished more enterprising settlers to Montgomery Co, than any other, the date of his birth being Dec 8, 1827.

He was a son of Isaac and Patsy (Sparks) Baker.

The father was b. Feb 5, 1801 and the mother's birth occurred March 30, 1802.

Isaac Baker was a native of Ky, where he grew to manhood and remained until 1830, when he removed to Montgomery Co, in with his family, when his son, John S. of this memoir, was 3 years old.

Mrs. Baker now lives in New Ross.

The elder Baker was a typical pioneer, and he did the usual amount of hard work clearning and developing his land.

His family consisted of two ch, John S of this memoir; and Jonas, deceased.

John S. Baker grew to manhood on the old homestead in Clark Twp, and there he found plenty of hard work to do, like all pioneer children.

He received a meager education in the early schools of his day, and when a young man took up farming, which he continued all his life, making a comfortable living for his family, leaving 80 acre sof excellend and productive land in Clark Twp, which his widow rents.

Mr. Baker was marr. June 12, 1851 to Lucinda Clark, daughter of Willis and Hannah (Jones) Clark.

Her father was b. in Ky, when he grew to manhood and there marr.

He moved with his family to Putnam Co, in when his daughter,

Lucinda was 6 months old and later they came to Montgomery Co. and established their permanet home in Clark Twp, where Mr. Clark spent the rest of his life.

He was a hard- working, honest man, whom his neighbors respected and he followed farming all his life.

He was a Democrat and a member of the Christian church.

His family was a large one; consisting of 16 children, namely: Joseph J, the oldest; William T; Milton; Nathan; James M; Benjamin; Winifred; Oliver; John; Francis M; are all deceased; Lucinda who marr. Mr. Baker of this review; Sidney J; Susan C, are both deceased; Alexander C. is living; Mary is deceased; Fanny, the youngest, is living.

Eight children were b. to John S. Baker and wife, namely: Winifred is deceased; Harriet E. is living at home with her mother; Emma; Martha H; George; are all deceased; Mary A. is the wife of Walter Canine; William is deceased and the youngest died in infancy, unnamed. The death of John S. Baker occurred June 12, 1897.

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