BACHELDER, Samuel - Putnam

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Source: North American Family Histories BATCHELDER GENEALOGY p 301 #1733

Judge Samuel Bachelder (Samuel L; Daniel; Jethro; Jethro; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Nathaniel; Stephen) born Stanstead Plain, LC; April 12, 1831; married Nebraska City, Neb Jan 6, 1858, Mary Louisa Benton, b. Dec 25, 136.  When nineteen years of age he finished his education in the common schools and attended Asbury University at Greencastle, Ind where he remained one year. At twenty-one he went with his father on a farm five miles from Greencastle; remained one year then returned to town and obtained a situation as clerk in a general store. Afterwards he engaged in the general merchandising on his own account until 1856 when he went to Kansas and Nebraska territories. Was most of the time at Omaha and Nebraska City where he traded with the Omahas, Otoes and Pawnee Indians and real estate until 1860 when he returned to Greencastle, Ind with his wife, a daughter of Rev. Wm. Hart Benton of Vicksburg, Miss, once editor of the Vicksburg Whig and president of the first railroad in that country and later a Methodist minister. Of late years Mr. Bachelder has been engaged in farming and mercantile business.  Resides Greencastle, Ind.

Children:  Charles Wm. B Aug 31, 1859. He is a farmer

Muter Miller b June 9, 1861. D. Oct 9, 1861.

Lida Davis b. Feb 14, 1863. She graduated at DePauw University; in an artist. Res. Greencastle.

Muter Miller b. Feb 10, 1865. He was graduated at DePauw University.  Is an attorney at law and resides in Ladoga, Ind.  Married Emma Rue Knox 14 Dec 1887 - lived with his in-laws after death of wife until children were raised – remarried Emma E. Mangold (he was 39 she 37 not sure of her maiden name) 10 Feb 1904 in Chicago.  Buried in Greencastle.

There is also a poor picture (of Muter) from the Indianapolis Star Wed 31 Dec 1913 p 46 – with a bit of a bio under it   

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