ASHBY, Thompson VanMeter - Putnam

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ASHBY, Thompson VanMeter

Thompson VanMeter Ashby

Source: 1913 AW Bowen History of Montgomery County, Indiana p 1025

Praise is always due to merit and especially where merit is the product of unassisted energy and perseverance. The self made man commands our highest respect. Those struggles by means of which he has risen from obscruity to honorable distinction cannot fail to enlist sympathy and call forth our warmest applause. And, too the record of a life well spent, of triumph over obstacles, of perseverance under difficulties and steady advancement from a modest beginning to a place of honor and distinction in the locality in which one devotes his effort, when imprinted on the pages of history, present to the youth or a rising generation an example worthy of emulation and may also be studied with profit by those of more mature years whose achievemnts have not kept pace with their expectations. On the roster of the names of those who have been prominently identified with the development and upbuilding of Montgomery Co. that of the late Thompson V. ASHBY merits a place of honor. From the age of 10 until his death he was a resident of this co, and in the early epoch of her development as well as in later years his energies were effiectively directed along normal lines of industry and enterprise, and in many ways he made distinct contribution to the progress of this favored section of the famous Wabash Valley country. His life wa sone of signal integrity as well as usefulness, and such was his association with material and civic affairs here over an extended epoch that a record of his varied, useful and honorable career be perpetuated in this publication. Thompson V. Ashby was born April 25, 1818 in Shelby Co KY which locality furnished so many of the sterling citizen sof Montogmery County, Indiana where our subject came with the rest of the family in 1828, and here he grew to manhood and received such education as the primitive schools of that early time afforded, for the country was new and sparsley settled when he arrived here, but here he was content to spend the rest of his days, having faith in its future. On May 30, 1844, he was united in marr. to Dulcenia LOCKRIDGE who was born June 3, 1825 in Montgomery Co kY. She was a daughter of Robert and Elizabeth (MALONE) Lockridge the former born in 1784 and latter in 1786. Elizabeth Malone was a daughter of Andrew and Rachel (OZIER) Malone. Robert Lockridge was a son of John and Margaret (HENDERSON) Lockridge. Andrew Malone was a soldier in the Revolutionary War. The fathe rof Dulcenia Lockridge d. in Ky. and her mother was left with 9 children, 3 of whom were marr. and al but 3 grew to maturity. In the year 1835 the widow and all but one of the ch. came to Putnam County IN and located south of Raccoon Station and there Dulcenia lived until her marr. To Thompson V. Ashby and wife were born 3 children: William Henry; RObert L. and Elizabeth Louise, the latter being now the wief of James FOSTER. They all live in Ladoga where they are very comfortably situation. Thompson V. Ashby was a farmer by profession and was very successful, becoming the owner of two excellent farms near the center of Scott Twp, aggregating about 560 acres. He was a man of much business capacity and energy and managed his large landed estate with that care and discretion that always insured success and he ranked with the leading and most progressive agriculturists and stock men of Montgomery County during his day. His land was well improved and carefully operated and he has a pleasant home which was noted for its hospitality. Mr. Ashby was a well read man, keeping advised ont he current topics of the day, and he became well known locally as a debater, taking great interest in debating socities. In fact, he remained a great student all his life, was familiar with the best literature of the day, reading extensively of everything whereby he might advance himself and he ranked, justly, too as one of the most intellectual men of the southern part of the county. He taught school in his younger days. He took a lively interest in church affairs and was an elder in the Presbyterian church. His life was of such influence for good, in favor of religion and all that made for moral uplift, temperance, righteousness and good citizenship. He did a great work against the liquor traffic, and when near his death he read a temperance speech in Ladoga, which was said by all fortunate enough to hear it to be the best ever heard in this locality. Mr. Ashby was called to his eternal rest in April 1903. His widow is still living, making her home in Ladoga. She is an unusally well preserved woman, almost past 88 years of age. The advancing years, cruel to many, have left but a few threads of silver in her hair, and her eyes are clear and bright. Her hearing is as good as that of many young persons and her face bears that unmistakeable mark of one whose life is living uprightly, wtih kindly thoughts for others and charitable impulses.

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