ASHBY, Silas Franklin - Putnam

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ASHBY, Silas Franklin

Silas Franklin Ashby

Source: H. W. Beckwith History of Montgomery County, Indiana. (Chicago: HH Hill, 1881) p 452

S.F. ASHBY, grain dealer and farmer, Ladoga, was b. in Shelby Co, Ky Dec 25, 1828 and is the son of S & Nancy ( RADFORD ) Ashby, who were natives of Shelby CO, Ky. The father was b. in 1797, marr. in 1819 and d. June 24, 1854; his wife was b. 1797 and died 1855. They removed to IN in 1829, and lived in Montgomery Co. for a short time after settling in Putnam County, where they lived till their death. The subject of this sketch was raised on a farm in Putnam Co, and is the owner of 216 acres of well improved land located within 2 miles of the beautiful village of Ladoga. He is also quite an extensive dealer in grain, the firm handling from 60 to 70 thousand bushels of wheat yearly. He is an active business man, and takes part in all improvements. He is a member of the Masonic fraternity, No. 187 which meets at Ladoga. In 1860 he marr. Miss Ella McNAY, daughter of Samuel McNay, and a native of Ky. By this union they have 3 children: Cora E; Eugene C and Edgar C.

Source: Crawfordsville Weekly Journal, Fri 13 April 1900 p4 c 2

On last Tuesday, S.F. Ashby sold his farm of 316 acres to Martin Hicks for $17,000 cash. This is one of the largest land trades ever made in this part of the county. Mr. Hicks also owns 174 acres in Hendricks County and a farm of 80 acres just south of Ladoga. Mr. Ashby has been one of the most successful farmers in the township but for a number of years has lived in town. he did not wish to be bothered with the care of the land any longer and sold it at a good price.

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