ALLEN, William - Putnam

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ALLEN, William

William ALLEN

Source: Biography of William ALLEN
*Biographical and Historical Record of Putnam County, Indiana*.
Chicago, IL,USA: Lewis Publishing, 1887. p 377.

William Allen, farmer, section 3, Marion Township, was born in Shelby County, Kentucky, December 10, 1825, son of James and Sarah Allen, the former a native of Virginia and the latter of Kentucky.  His maternal grandfather, William Conley, was a soldier in the Revolutionary war, and several of his maternal uncles served in the war of 1812.  His father was twice married, and was the father of seven children--Zadoc; Harriet, wife of Thomas Evans, of Davis County, Iowa; Mahala, who married Joseph O'Neal, of this county; Zaruah, wife of John Runnyan, also of this county; Aaron; Elizabeth, wife of John Leachneau, of Mercer County, Missouri, and William. In 1834 James Allen, with his family, removed to Putnam County from Kentucky, coming the entire distance with a four-horse wagon, camping out at night and occupying ten or twelve days in the trip.  He settled on section 3, Marion Township, having purchased fifty-two acres of land, about five acres of which were cleared.  There was also a cabin on the place.  He subsequently entered eight acres of land from the Government in Marion Township, where he lived until his death.  He was a worth member of the Missionary Baptist church, and much respected by all who knew him.  In his demise Putnam County lost one of her best citizens.  In 1834 our subject accompanied his parents to this county, and this has since been his home. He received a rudimentary education in the early subsciption [sic] schools, which was all that the county ten afforded.  February 2, 1848, he was married to Miss Jemima Ellis, who was born in Kentucky, and daughter of Randolph and Rebecca Ellis, early settlers of Putnam County, who came here on pack-horses.  Mr. Allen is the father of four children--Mary A., wife of David W. Campbell, has three children, viz.--Lenna L., Flora May and Allen L.; Maria, wife of Samuel Campbell, has one daughter--Mary Alice; Francis M., and Sarah A., wife of Arthur Ransom, the latter having one daughter--Eva A.  Mr. Allen owns 151 acres of well-cultivated and well-improved land. Politically he affiliates with the Democratic party.

Contributed by Megan McNary (
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