ALDRIDGE, L. - Putnam

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L. Aldridge

Biographical History of Pottawattamie County, Iowa.
Chicago: Lewis Pub. Co, 1891, p 267a.

L. Aldridge, a prominent farmer of Rockford Twp was born in Putnam County, Indiana November 23, 1846, a son of John Sanford and America Jones Aldridge, also natives of Indiana and of English and Welsh ancestry. The first immigration to this county was in an early day, locating first in NC and then Indiana were farmers. In the family of the father of John S. Aldridge were six children: Ruth, John, Elizabeth, Mary Ann, Betty and Josiah. John S, the seond child was born in NC June 15, 1819, but when young his father died. In the winter of 1846 he moved to Illinois, taking with him his mother, who afteward died, in 1880 at the advanced age of 88. Her husband, John S. Aldridge, had died March 16, 1849, leavingtwo children, H.L, our subject and Mary E., now the wife of George Frazier. Mrs. John S. Aldridge, in 1853, after her husband's death married Josiah Skelton, a native of Tennessee. In 1854, they came to Pottawattamie County and located upon Honey Creek where they lived until his death in 1885 and are the parents of 11 children: John, Lewis, Josiah, Jane, Albert, Alice, Allen, Margaret, Jonas and Eddie, the two last deceased. Mr. Aldridge, our present subject, was brought up by his mother to farm life. A little after he was 20, April 14, 1867 he married Margaret E. Selvy, a daughter of William and Mary (Foster) Selvy, natives of Tenn and of Irish and German extraction. Her parents came to Missouri and after some years moved to this county (Pottawattamie) and finally to Harrison County this stae where the father died April 10, 1885 leaving 11 children: Frank M, George W, Martha, Margaret E, Eliza Ann, Susan, Mary, Amanda, William, James Edwin and one who died in infancy. Margaret, the 4th child, was born in Missouri July 6, 1850, brought up as a farmer's daughter and wa smarried at the age of 17. After his marriage, Mr. Aldridge purchased 40 acres of rough, wild land in the Missouri River bottom, in Harrison County, erected a log house 14 x 16 feet in dimensions and began to make the improvements essential to a complete home; but at the end of 8 years, in 1875, he sold out and came down to Pottawattamie County and bought 150 acres of wild land, excepting that there was a small farm house upon it; remained there 8 years also and then purchased 44 acres of land on Sec 1, Rockford Twp, where he now resides. At that time some improvements had been made here, but they had greatly deteriorated. He went to work and has made out of the place a fine home. He has now a good frame house, two stories, high, 24 x 38 feet in ground area, including porches, verandas, etc a good orchard containing both large and small fruits; indeed it is one of the finest orchards in the county. he has dealt also in live stock to a considerable extent, taking special interest in horses and in Poland-China hogs. He has added to his first purcahse of land until he now has 290 acres, all but 10 of which is in fine cultivation, 100 acres being in pasture. He has also a quantity of bees, doing well. He first started out in life here with almost nothing, but his amibtion and energy has won for him success. Both his mother and his wife's mother are livingw ith him, at an advanced age. Willis A. Selvy, a nephew of theirs was born Aug 3, 1868 and left an orphan when young, was brought up by Mr. Aldridge and now resides upon an 80 acre farm in Harrison County. Also a niece, Annie Jones, born Aug 26, 1872, was reared by him. Mr. Aldridge is a reliable gentleman, independent on local issues. He has been Twp. Trustee 12 years and is now Road Supervisor. He is an honored member of Missouri Valley Lodge No 232 F&AM, also a member of the Mutual Protective Association of St. John of which he has been treasurer ever since its organization.

File Created: May 04, 2008

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