The first
school building was located near the present location of the
Hess, the saloon keeper, gave private lessons in German in a building located
near where Ben Oni Stallings lived and which his son-in-law, Harold Seibert,
now owns. Martin Stegmeier tells that three nights were enough for him. Hess
soon decided that his time spent in the saloon was more profitable. Schools at
that time were supported by fees paid to the teacher by the parents of those
who attended the school. This was the practice until 1851, when the new
In 1869,
William D Wade and Hester Wade deeded a rectangular plot six rods wide and
seven rods long to
In 1903, the first class in the three year high school was graduated.
William O. Wilson was the principal of the school at that time. The four to
graduate that year were Earl Cartwright, Harold Cartwright,
show the following were principals: Hud Leavenworth, John Boone Wade, Burl Friedley,
F. T. Miller (1896) William O. Wilson (1903) J.R. Robertson (1904) George E.
Carothers (1906) Fred E. Mc Murtrey (1907) C.B. Macy (1909) George A Dragoo
(1910) A. M. Winklepleck (1911) J. Ora Ault (1912) Alfred H. Wetzel (1914)
Henry Calvert (1915) Henry Steinbrenner (1916) Nona Noel, first lady principal,
(1918) William Maurer (1919) John A. Waltz (1920) H. L . Carmack (1921) Hal L.
Smith (1922) Ralph Sparks (1924) E. P. Blackburn (1926) James E. Morelock(1929)
C. H. Melton (1931) Edward Glenn (1936) C. E. Appleman (1937) A. A. Smith
(1938) George Ray (1939) John C. Corn (1941) Paul Addison (1942)
In 1949
Center and Robinson townships consolidated their schools into the
Center-Robinson Consolidated School Corporation. The first consolidated school
board members were Christ Raeber, President; Allen A Becker, Secretary,
1949, the schools were under the jurisdiction of the Township trustees in each
township. Since that time, the trustees are members of the school board, which
is made up of these two trustees and one additional member from each township.