Wadesville 3
Front row: Lela Wade, George Fox, Lowell Stallings, Elbert Wade, George W.
Hunter, Herbert Huck, Harold Williams, Lela Mahler, Elizabeth Ramsey and Aubrey
Second row: Jesse Moye, Earl Cox, Chester Cartwright, Silvia Sanders,
Margaret Garris, Martha Turner, Mayme Stallings, Nora Wade, and Principal Fred
Third Row: Floyd Moye, Urmel Wade, George Ramsey, Arthur Creek, Emery
Arburm, Charles Anderson, Emmett Huck, Malcom Moye, and Edwin Causey.
The first school building was located near the present location of the
Herman Hess, the saloon keeper, gave private lessons in German in a building
located near where Ben Oni Stallings lived and which his son-in-law, Harold
Seibert, now owns. Martin Stegmeier tells that three nights were enough for
him. Hess soon decided that his time spent in the saloon was more profitable.
Schools at that time were supported by fees paid to the teacher by the parents
of those who attended the school. This was the practice until 1851, when the
new Indiana State Constitution made provision for free public schools.
In 1869, William D Wade and Hester Wade deeded a rectangular plot six rods wide
and seven rods long to