Jun 20, 1955


Nelson N. Price, 23, Mt. Carmel, Ill., an employee of Olen D. Sharp Drilling Co., which is engaged in offshore directional drilling in the bed of the Ohio River opposite Diamond island drowned in the river between 2 and 2:15 p.m. Saturday (18 Jun 1955).


His body had not been recovered at noon today despite continuous daylight dragging efforts by the Posey county sheriff's office.  State Police, Mt. Vernon Fire Department and workers employed by Sharp Drilling Co.


Price drowned when an outboard motor-powered boat of the drilling company in which he and a companion drilling drewman, Gerald Lovelette, 21, Mt. Carmel, were riding in a recess from work capsized in making a sharp turn in the swift, deep channel current between the Indiana shoreline and the island.


Lovellette tried to keep Price afloat but was forced to abandon his rescue efforts to save his own life and swam to shore.


Lovellette, suffering from shock, was treated at the office of a Mt. Vernon physician following the tragic death of his companion.


Price and Lovellette were members of the day tower drilling crew engaged in directional drilling of Sharp No. 3 Commonwealth of Kentucky from a rig based on the Dixon farm in South Marrs township.


The drowned man had a wife and a baby son.  The son was eight months old Saturday.


Rough water forced the suspension of dragging late this morning.


Originally submitted by Betty Sellers