Mrs. Louisa Koch Muller 72, widow of Joseph W. Muller and a highly
respected, life-long resident of Posey county died at
A native of the Blairsville community in Robinson township, a daughter of John Koch, she had resided in the
Eastern Black township neighborhood for over 50 years.
The body is at the Short-Niehaus Funeral
Home in
Surviving are
three daughters, Mrs. Audley Wolfinger,
R. R. 1, Mrs. Malcolm Benner, Mt. Vernon, and Miss Alvera
Muller, R. R 1; four sons, Charles, R. R. 1, Alphonse and John F., Mt. Vernon
and William J., R. R. 2, Chandler, Ind; seven
grandchildren and three great grandchildren, and two brothers, Joe Koch,
Chicago, and George Koch, Evansville.
Originally submitted by Betty Sellers