The body of an unidentified woman was found this
morning in the
A sojourner at Shore Acres found the body when he ran a fishing line this
morning and Posey Sheriff Roy A Bauer was notified.
Aug 22, 1953
Mrs. Aurelia Frielinghausen 61, Mt. Vernon, whose
lifeless body was found in the Ohio river early last Saturday met death form
"drowning probably suicide" Henderson, County (Ky.) Coroner Paul B.
Moss said today.
Coroner Moss returned his verdict this morning a week after a fisherman found
the body in shallow water off a
It was first believed by authorities that Mrs. Frielinghausen
entered the river in close proximity to where the body was found since the body
gave every evidence that she had not been in the water
long and the low stage of the
An exhaustive check for footprints on the
Posey county authorities late this week were inclined to believe that Mrs. Frielinghausen might have entered
the river south of the home of Mr. and Mrs. John H Moeller on East
Water street where she was residing and that a cross-current at Highbanks or the churning of low stages of the river by
passing boats carried the body quickly across the river to the Kentucky shore.
Originally submitted by Betty Sellers