Henry A Esche, 73, prominent Posey
county farmer with a reputation for industry and integrity and a life-long
resident of the same neighborhood northeast of Bufkin,
died unexpectedly at his home at 4:30 a.m. today.
He and his wife, nee Katie C. Pfeiffer, had quietly observed their
49th wedding anniversary yesterday.
Mr. Esche was believed on the road to
recovery after having been injured by a falling tree on Nov. 13. He
suffered a broken leg and head injry. Two weeks
ago he returned to his home from
His unexpected death this morning which was preceded by no
evidence of acute illness was attributed to a coronary condition.
The deceased was a devout member and a former Official Board
member of
The body is at the Short-Niehaus Funeral Home in
Surviving in
addition to the wife are a son, Vernon C. Esche, R.R.
Originally submitted by Betty Sellers