Louis B. DeKemper, 55, superintendent of
the Posey County Home for the last 16 years during which time he and his wife
transformed the institution into a home and haven for those in need died at
8:45 a.m. today in St. Mary's Hospital in Evansville.
A long illness terminated in death in mid-summer he was a hospital
patient with coronary thrombosis. Later complications developed and he
re-entered the hospital last Saturday. His condition had been critical
since that time.
The body is at the Weisinger Funeral
Home in
Definite funeral arrangements had not been completed at
Surviving are the wife, nee Olive Sherretz,
who is the daughter of Mt. and Mrs. William D. Sherretz,
Point township; a son, Billy Louis DeKemper, at home
following recent discharge from military service because of hit father's
illness and incapacitation; a daughter, Mrs Don E.
Sic, Pasadena, Calif, who arrived in Mt. Vernon
Monday of this week; a brother William DeKemper Mt.
Vernon and a son, Mrs. Wilbur Rhea, Clay, Ky.
He was born near
Originally submitted by Betty Sellers