Wadesville General Baptist Church

"We the undersigned being desirous of being organized into a church of Jesus Christ, and in order to do so in Gospel order - we requested that some of the ministers and members of the General Baptist Church visit us and assist us and constituting a church of Jesus Christ of the General Baptist order. Brothers Elder J. J. Rusk, Elder W. W. Tennyson, W. M. Fairchild, and Chrles Haye met with us at a church house in Wadesville in Posey county. And on February 20, 1888, after examination of mature deliberation, we think it will be to the advancement of our Redeemer's Kingdom and our good to proceed to constitute as a church of Jesus Christ - to be styled


After giving ourselves to the Lord in prayer and to each other the right hand of fellowship- we adopted the scripture of the Old and New Testament as the only rule of faith and practice."

With these words the WADESVILLE GENERAL BAPTIST CHURCH was born. They met for some time in what was known as a Union Church with the Regular Baptist and a Christian Campbellite groupe.

The charter members who signed the above declaration were:
Godfrey Miller
Sara Miller
Henry Forcum
Mary Forcum
Joseph Garris
Mary Garris
Celina Wade

All came by letter. L.A. McReynolds was elected as the church clerk and Elder J. J. Rusk was chosen to act as minister for the rest of the year.

After completion of the organization, the doors of the church wre opened and fifteen more members were received into the church. By the end of the year, the number of members had reached thirty-two.

In July 1888 the church re-elected Elder J.J. Rusk pastor for the coming year. In this same business meeting the church voted to send a letter and delegates to the Liberty Association. Those chose Brothers Joshua Wade and Henry Forcum as delegates to carry the letter. This vote was rescinded at the next meeting. It was not until 180 that the church joined Liberty Association. This is recorded in the church minutes and also in the Association minutes for that year.

The church affairs moved in a more or less routine manner. New pastors were elected; finance committees were appointed periodically and individual members were cited for unchristian-like conduct. Some members would come before the assembly, and forgiveness, and make their peace.

In June, 1895, the Deacons were instructed to meet with the Deacons of the Regular Baptist Church in regards to settling differences which seemed to be those of holding Sunday School and prayer meeting in the church. These differences were not resolved. Tradition has it that the church met in a hall on the Huck property which was between where the Fire Station and the hardware store now stand.

On March 6, 1896, the church voted to buy the Allison lot, on which the former church was built. The deed for this property was recorded on March 10, 1896.

Unfortunately the records for the period from March 10, 1896 to May 13, 1899 are missing. Liberty Association minutes show that T.A. H. Laslie was pastor for most of that period. The church must have been built during that period.

It is said that the church was built entirely of local timber given by church members and church friends. This timber was hauled to a sawmill located on Big Creek south of Blairsville where it was sawed into rough lumber. The lumber that was used for the interior was hauled to Mr. Vernon for finishing. Brother George McReynolds, a member, acted as contractor. It is thought that the church was completed in 1897. Various improvements were made as the occasion arose. In 1903 the minutes of the Liberty Association show that the "Laides Aid" was instrumental in procuring a bell for the church. Mrs. Etta Williams recalled that the bell was purchased for ten dollars from Howell Church when they built their new building. There was no vehicle strong enough to haul this bell from Howell to Wadesville so it was shipped by rail by the way of Ft. Branch. The records show the cost to be $17.50 so it must have cost $7.50 transportation. The bell has been mounted in the church yard.

In the early 1930's the church was wired for electricity. In the mid-1940's a basement was put under the church. Again most of the labvor and materials were donated by members and friends of the church.

The Wadesville Church has entertained the Liberty Association twice, in its history. The first time was in 1895. The minister was Rev. T. A. H. Laslie. That must have been when they were still meeting in the Union Church. The Association was a big event in those days. The guests came for the opening meeting and stayed through until it closed. They were entertained n the homes of the members. It was enjoyed by both hosts and guests.

When this church entertained the Association fifty four years later, in 1949, things were quite different. The guests came for the day and returned to their homes at night. The ladies of church, in a well organized effort, fed the entire group at the school gymnasium. Again they were assisted by many friends outside the church. The minister was Rev. Walter Campbell.

The first Sunday School Convention was hosted by this church in 1933. The minister was Rev. Charles Hoskinson. Some guests were housed in homes over night and given breakfast. The noon and evening meals were served in the school building. It was a two day affair, but a severe storm on Saturday evening caused many guests to remain for a second night.

The second time Wadesville Church entertained the Sunday School convention was shortly after the completion of the church basement. Rev. Andrew Stirsman was the minister. It was a one day affair. The ladies of the church served a picnic lunch at noon.

The church has always grown and been strenghened by revivals. There is only time and space to mention a few which were outstanding. Directly after there was a evival which Rev. Walter Campbell described as a "Brush Arbor" revival at which his mother was "saved". There wre more than twenty-five additions to the church at this time.

Another remembered the revival of 1929 with Rev. Andrew Rister as pastor and David R. Thomas as Evangelist. This time there wre nin additions to the church. All were young people.

Again in 1932 Rev.Charles Hoskinson was the pastor and there was an outstanding revival. The Evangelist was a fellow student of Rev. Hoskinson at the Northern Baptist Seminary in Chicago. He was frm Latvia. Eighteen members were added to the church at that time.

In 1955 an exciting revival was held Rev. Stirsman was the pastor, and Rev. Harlan Fulks was the Evangelist. Twnety-four members were added to the church at that time. Two of those saved united with Mt. Zion Church. The teachers at the high school said they would be glad when the revival was over so that the young people could get back to work.

It was in 1963 that the grounds for the new church was purchased. The prospects for a new bulding at the time seemed very remote. But with a lot of prayers, faith and work by many people, this dream finally became a reality. The bulding contract was award to Orville Klenck Constru ction Co., the plumbing to Lloyd McCurdy, and the heating to Thornburg Sheet meal works.

Beginning the year of 1977, with indebtedness to pay off and with a very progressive set of officers, the church is looking forward to a fruitful future. The present pastor is Robert D. Carter. The Deacons are Chester Cheany, Paul Huck, Wayne Shaw, and Delmas Stewart. The Trustees are Glenn Martin, George Yancy, Eloise Heckman, Mer Hibdrader, and Wayne Shawe.

1888-1889 Elder J J Rusk 1890 Elder R D McKinnies 1891-1893 Elder W M Clark
1894-98 Rev T A H Laslie 1899 Rev Geo W Voyles 1900 Rev L W Spann
1901 Rev J W Edwards 1902 Rev L W Spann 1903 Rev J R Edwards
1904-5 Rev John E Cox 1906 Rev J W Johnson 1907 Rev H P Dougherty
1908-09 Rev J H Bradbury 1910-12 Rev I J Turner 1913 Rev Clarence Allmon
1914-15 Rev L A Stone 1916 Rev John A Cox
Rev E P Hamby
1917-18 Rev I J Turner
1919 Fred Reese 1920-21 Rev I J Turner 1922-24 Rev Arthur Blackburn
1925 Rev Asa L Williams 1926 Rev Otis Overton 1927-28 Rev J A Rister
1929-31 Rev W R Barnes 1932 Rev Charles Hoskinson  1933-34 Rev. Dale Tenison
1935-36 Rev W R Barnes 1937-40 Rev Shafter Overton 1941 Rev Lawrence Rager
1942 Rev Clayton Tuley 1943 Rev Frank Brosend 1944-46 Rev Oran Bethel
1947-52 Rev Walter Campbell 1953-57 Rev Andrew Stirsman 1959-60 Rev Alfred Faust
1961-63 Rev Ernie Hensen 1964-65 Rev Calvin Taylor 1966-67 Rev A A Saalwaechter
1968-69 Rev Ora Johnson 1970 Rev Wesley Haas 1971-72 Rev Vernon Twaites
1973 Rev Robert D Carter        

Submitted by Eloise Heckman - 1977 History of Wadesville