Maple Hill Cemetery
38.12023, -87.93575
(Open to the public.)
Listing for this cemetery is divided into sections displayed in alphabetical order by surname.
(Click on the desired section below.)
A B C D E F G Ha-Hn Ho-Hz I-J K-L Ma-Mh Mi-Mz N O P-Q
R Sa-Sh Si-Ss St-Sz T-U-V Wa-Wh Wi-Wz X-Y-Z Unidentified
Click on this link to submit additions or corrections!
Buried in this cemetery are number of individuals prominent in the history of New Harmony.
An impressive collection of facts and references for some of them can be viewed at the following website:
"New Hamony, Scientists, Educators, Writers & Artists"
Exact burial locations in the original parts of the cemtery can be very difficult to find.
There are no designated Sections or Rows
only Lot Numbers which have been assigned over the years in seeminly random locations.
There is a map (pdf format) showing the approxiamate location of the Lots. (Click here to view map.)
Newer portions of the cemetery along the south end and the east side have been platted in an orderly fashion.
This listing of burials was compiled in cooperation with the Town of New Harmony, records from Werry Funeral Home and the
book by Carroll B Cox "Cemetery Records of Posey County, Indiana" (1950s.)