Washington TwpWalnut Hills Cemetery (J) |
Pike County,Indiana |
? , Uncle John
? , John Parke B., 1902 - 1902
ADKERSON, Gabriel, Corpl Co H
80 Ind Inf - d. Apr.1918
ADKERSON, Maha1a, 1857 - 1948
ADKERSON, Thomas Franklin, 1886 - 1931
ANDERSON, Florence E., 1881 1961
ANDERSON, Lillian A., 12-1-1876 - 1-4-1904
ARNOLD, Donald E., 1911 - 1937
ARNOLD, Henry L., 9-20-1870 - 6-9-1913 - father
ARNOLD, Myrtle M., 1-22-1881 - 11-17-1912 - mother
BAKER, Alice Louise, 3-4-1914 - 7-16-1974
BAKER, Amos Fielden, 1852 - 1929
BAKER, Franklin L. 9-16-1907
BAKER, Gurley Jay, 10-3-1873 - 8-26-1960
BAKER, John M., 9-7-1880 - 9-18-1907 - eon of A. F. & Mary Keeney Baker
BAKER, Martha Eveline, 8-3-1875 - 3-19-1970
BAKER, Mary L. Keeney, 1849 - 1924
BARRETT, Edith, 1869 - 1951
BARRETT, John Ottis, 1892 - 1944
BARRETT, Lester, 1895 - 1947
BARRETT, Warner L., 1857 - 1924
BASINCER, Heber M., 7-27-1886 - 4-23-1912 - son of T. W. Basinger
BASINGER, Abel, 4-28-1903 - 4-28-1903 - son of T. W. & Mary E. VanWinkle Basinger
BASINGER, Elizabeth, b. 2-17-1886 - wife of Homer A.
BASINGER, Homer A. 11-25-1883 - 7-5-1959
BASINGER, Mary E. VanWinkle, 1859 - 1951
BASINGER, Thomas Wesley, 1854 - 1931
CARPENTER, Delores Jean, 6-25-1918 - 3-1-1919
CARPENTER, Fountain E., 8-1-1870 - 11-1-1940
CARPENTER, George Arvil, 12-13-1914 - 6-14-1918
CARPENTER, Rosa, 1874 - 1923
CONRAD, James T., 1871 - 1946
CONRAD, Katharine A., 1848 - 1929
CONRAD, Samuel G., 1843 - 1928
CROW, Doris Visal, 1912 - 1930
CROW, Hilda, 1926 - 33 da
CROW, Mona, 1921 - 1 da
CROW, Otho L., 1882 - 1952
CROW, Ruby, 1-20-1900
CROW, W. Pearl, 1885 - 1917 - wife of Otho L. Crow
DAVISSON, Clara Myers, 1879 - 1970
DEDMON, Nola E., 4-18-1893 - 4-24-1914
DOTY, A. W., 1860 - 1942
DOT'Y, Glenna H., b. 1895
DOTY, Ida B., 1863 - 1959
DOTY, Ira A., 1888 - 1973
FINNEY, Bert P., 8-22-1891 - 11-6-1934 - hus. of Susie
FINNEY, Frank H., 9-23-1908 - 6-16-1975 - hus. of Alice - son of Fred B. & Nuna Hammond Finney - (obit)
FINNEY, Fred B., 12-15-1885 - 8-19-1967
FINNEY, Hazel M., 3-24-1911 - 4-29-1922
FINNEY, Laura A., 1859 - 1929
FINNEY, Nuna H., 7-31-1889 - 2-14-1969
FINNEY, Susie, 2-14-1892 - 4-23-1976 - dau. of Albert & Martha Gibson Klotz (obit)
FINNEY, William G., 1854 - 1941
FOWLE:R, Gladys G., 6-26-1911 - 3-13-1913
GILLILAND, Arthur, 12-5-1886 - 8-21-1952 - father
GILLILAND, Bertha, 3-10-1885 - 6-2-1946 - mother
GILLILAND, Don, 1890 - 1930
GILLILAND, John, 9-23-1845 - 11-7-1911
GILLILAND, Loritta Joan, 9-19-1930 - 3-7-1932 - dau. of John & Hazel Gilliland
GILLILAND, Malissa, 5-5-1850 - 4-8-1923 - wife of John
GILLILAND, Melvina Anna "Mellie", 12-15-1894 - 8-10-1977 - wife of Don Cilliland -dau. of Cornelius & Carrie Smith Boger - (obit)
GILLUM, Armond P., 1902 - 1973
GILLUM, Doris E., b. 1907
GOAD, Delmar, 1857 - 1940
GOAD, Herbert French, 1-27-1889 - 7-12-1961
GOAD, Jack Delmar, 1919 - 1928
GOAD, Linnie E., 2-14-1888
GOAD, Mary K., 1858 - 1931
HARPER, Elmer H., 1892 - 1963
HARPER, Thbie, 5-6-1867 - 5-11-1922 - wife of William
HARPER, William, 12-10-1862 - 7-4-1948
HARRIS, Huldah R., 1-28-1868 - 7-7-1943
HARRIS, Noah, 6-15-1858 - 10-20-1950
HARRIS, Oliver P., 1-20-1897 - 3-7-1917
HARRISON, Anna Maud, 9-15-1878 - 6-6-1963
HARRISON, Daniel, 1836 - 1930
- 58th Ind Vol
HARRISON, Mariah, 1841 - 1925 - wife of Daniel
HATFIELD, Delta, 1890 - 1973
HEAD, Allen L., 1905 - 1910
HEAD, Charles R., 1884 - 1930
HEAD, Effie B., 1883 - 1955
HEURING, George G., 8-17-1837
- 1-24-1915 - Co C 1 Reg Ind Cav
HEURING, Philecta, 8-1-1843 - 4-26-1924 - wife of George G.
HEWINS, Emory George, Rev., 1841 - 1903
HEWINS, Sarah Ravenscroft, 1842 - 1903 - dau. of Rev. Stephen & Sarah Ravenscroft
HICKS, Rose, 1891 - 1941
HOLLON, Etta M., 1865 - 1955
HOLLON, James Delbert, 1929 - infant
HOLLON, Jesse B., 7-27-1906 - 4-10-1977 - son of Haray & Anna Amos Hollon - (obit)
HOLLON, Thelma O. Robinson, b. 1905 - wife of Jesse
HURSEY, Harriet B., 1836 - 1929
HYSLOP, Laufa M., 1875 - 1950
HYSLOP, Nevin A., 1877 - 1938
KEENEY, Sarah Ann, 5-12-1820 - 2-22-1909
KIEFER, Elizabeth, 1847 - 1918
KIEFER, Henry, 1849 - 1919
KIEFER, Merle, 1883 - 1922
KIEFER, Philip, 1880 - 1952
KIEFER, Phyllis M., 1949 - baby
KIEFER, George A., 1878 - 1953
KILLIAN, Vena Irene, 3-17-1917 - 6-9-1974
KINMAN, Bertha, 1880 - 1926 - dau. of William H. Kinman
KINMAN, W. H., 9-17-1850 - 10-14-1923
KINMAN, William H., 1925 - 1934 - son of Shirley Kinnen
KINMAN, Zerua, 10-30-1860 - 9-21-1916 - wife of W. H. Kinman
LANCE, Mildred N., 8-19-1918 - 12-22-1943 - mother
LIMP, Beulah Doty, b. 1892
LIMP, Charles M., 1892 - 1970
LINXWILER, Rosetta Nicely, 1-6-1861 - 10-9-1941
LUCAS, Arthur M., 1867 - 1925
LUCAS, Romelia B., 1837 -
1911 - Co E 42 Reg Ind Vol
LUCAS, Sarah H., 1845 - 1925 - wife of Romelia B. Lucae
MARSEE, Parson B., 5-18-1865 - 7-3-1937 - father
MARSEE, Susie L., 11-4-1876 - 12-2-1940 - mother
MARSHALL, Eleanor C., 1-5-1881 - 8-31-1976 - wife of Charles. Marshal1- Dau of Sam & Kate Conrad - (obit)
MARTIN, George D., 2-13-1845 - 1929
MARTIN, Nancy, 10-28-1846 - 9-15-1917
McGREGOR, Charles R., 1896 - 1938
MORGAN, Lu, 8-18-1853 - 9-16-1916
MORGAN, Simon, 4-22-1852 - 1944
MOSBY, Lillian Fay, 1921 - 1923
MOSBY, Marie R., 7-4-1905 - 2-17-1916 - dau. of V. & Mary E. Mosby
MOSBY, Mary E., 6-20-1864 - 10-23-1944
MOSBY, Vincent P., 10-5-1857 - 8-15-1933
MURRAY, Martha, 1858 - 1936
MYERS, Effie Hardin, 1877 - 1949
MYERS, Erwin Hardin, 9-29-1909 - 6-30-1912 - son of W. E. & Effie Meyers
MYERS, Goldie M., b. 1895 - wife of Merrill
MYERS, Joseph F., 11-29-1877 - 7-21-1941
MYERS, Merrill F., b. 1892
MYERS, Rhoda H., 7-6-1857 - 2-18-1914
MYERS, William E., 1875 - 1921
MYERS, William F., 12-21-1844 - 12-25-1925
NEWKIRK, Edith E., 1886 - 1967
NEWKIRK, Eli B., 1881 - 1964
NEWKIRK, Jane, 9-1-1839 - 2-17-1918
NEWKIRK, Josiah, 1844 - 1919
NICELY, John, 12-2-1853 - 3-4-1913
ORNBAUM, B. C., D.V.M., 1881 - 1959
PIERSON, Oleen A., 7-9-1900 - 12-17-1919
PIERSON, Oral R., 1898 - 1924
RANGER, Pearl, 1-22-1883 - 1-15-1934
READ, Rhoda E., 3-8-1852 - 9-14-1927 - wife of Thomas
READ, Thomas, 5-1-1850 - 7-20-1913
RICKRICH, Adeline, 1-3-1854 - 12-23-1943 - mother
RICKRICH, Gertrude, 3-19-1883 - 7-15-1919 - mother
RICKRICH, Henry, 1-14-1845 - 9-3-1915 - father
ROBINSON, Anna Cox, 10-2-1882 - 9-6-1979 - wife of 1st Ora G. Robinson, 2nd Clarence Bell - dau. of Zemeriah & Rosella Miley Cox - (obit)
ROBINSON, Delores, 1908 - 1914
ROBINSON, Joseph Ell, 1923 - 1926
ROBINSON, Ora G., 2-14-1884 - 5-16-1943
SANDERS, Prudence H., 8-14-1894 - 10-29-1943
SELBY, Levis Franklin, 5-30-1928 - 2-11-1930
SNOWDEN, Ida B., 6-9-1858 - 9-16-1940
SNOWDEN, S. G., d. 1915 - Co
C 90 Ohio Inf
STOOPS, Marmaduke McC., b. 1-7-1862, Decatur, Ind. - d. 10-17-1951, Petersburg -Printer - Editor
TAYLOR, Cornelius, 1-22-1864 - 1935
TAYLOR, Louisa, 12-28-1856 - 1-6-1914
THOMAS, Eseie, 1874 - 1966
THOMAS, Frank C., 1869 - 1954
THOMAS, Mary Kathryn, 6-10-1909 - 2-19-1913 - dau. of Frank & Essie Thomas
THOMAS, son, 1-3-1904 - 1-3-1904 - Son of Frank & E. Thomas
THOMAS, son, 5-22-1897 - 5-22-1897 - son of Frank & E. Thomas
WATSON, Jesse, 1861 - 1940
WATSON, Rilla, 1869 - 1924
WILLETT, Bessie Goad, 7-30-1886 - 5-30-1917
WILLIS, Emily J., 3-13-1853 - 10-17-1935
WILLIS, Perry, 8-24-1853 - 12-18-1915
WILSON, Ernest G., 1880 - 1965
WILSON, Eunice, 1908 - 1909 - daughter
WILSON, Fannie Hicks, 5-14-1855 - 2-2-1945
WILSON, James S., 9-8-1852 - 2-23-1936
WILSON, Margret Tina, 1876 - 1964 - mother
WOLVEN, Charles, 1874 - 1958
WOLVEN, Dale G., 1921 - 1937
WOLVEN, Lillian, 1884 - 1950
WOLVEN, Nauna R., 7-2-1906 - 4-6-1910
WOODS, Edgar, 1888 - 1973 -
WOODS, Elizabeth J., 10-6-1860 - 2-15-1946 - mother
WOODS, George H., 6-15-1897 - 5-22-1917 - brother
WOODS, John H., 5-8-1895 -
11-22-1957 - Ind Cpl Coast Artillery Corps WWI
****(The following information was taken froin old records that listed only the date of burial in Section J.)
( No stones were found for these people.)
BRASHEARS, Ervin, 8-22-1925
WOLVEN, infant, 8-23-1925
HARGRAVE, Marcus, 12-19-1926
F'OWLER, Mona, 8-2-1931
FOWLER, Geraldine, 1-3-1932
WILLIS, Wilbur Cleo, 3-4-1936
WILLIS, D. P., 6-16-1940
RAVENSCROFT, Mahala, 8-15-1940
BRASHEAR, Turner, 9-20-1940
JACKSON, baby, 1-30-1943 - baby of Cecil
MARSEE, Winnie, 11-3-1944